CARICOM again calls on Britain to remove its colonial yoke from the British Virgin Islands

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica, July 12, 2023 - Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago at their 45th Regular in July have again called on the United Kingdom to remove its Order in Council in reserve, which can, at a moment's notice, impose direct rule over the people of the British Virgin Islands.
The CARICOM Heads reiterated that colonialism has no place in modern democratic governance in the Caribbean and encouraged all concerned to agree a clear and responsible path for the people of the British Virgin Islands to achieve self-government in line with the United Nations (UN)-sanctioned options available to the Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGTs) under international law;
CARICOM further reiterated the inalienable right of the people of the British Virgin Islands to self-determination enshrined in the UN Charter, and has opposed any undemocratically acquired additional powers by the Governor over the British Virgin Islands.
CARICOM Reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the British Virgin Islands at annual sessions of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24), UN Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization), UN General Assembly (UNGA), and C-24 regional seminars on decolonization;
“ CARICOM further reiterated the inalienable right of the people of the British Virgin Islands to self-determination enshrined in the UN Charter. ”
They also endorsed the draft UN resolution on the Question of the British Virgin Islands adopted by the C-24 during its June 2023 substantive session and committed to support the resolution during its remaining stages of approval within the UN system.
In its communique following the 45th meeting and the 50th anniversary of Caribbean Community, the CARICOM Heads: Congratulated the Government and People of the British Virgin Islands on the peaceful, free and fair General Elections held on 24 April 2023, which resulted in the re-appointment of Dr. The Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley as Premier;
Acknowledged the Government’s commitment to continue to consult the people of the British Virgin Islands on issues that directly affect them;
Commended the Government of the British Virgin Islands for its progress in implementing the Framework for Implementation of the Committee of Inquiry (COI) Report, Recommendations and Other Reforms;
Called on the United Kingdom to provide the Government of the British Virgin Islands with requested technical assistance to support governance reform;
Celebrated the British Virgin Islands 32 years as an Associate Member of CARICOM, on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of CARICOM.