GAZA | Humanitarian Crisis Deepens in Gaza and West Bank as Conflict Enters 10th Month
GAZA | Humanitarian Crisis Deepens in Gaza and West Bank as Conflict Enters 10th Month

UNITED NATIONS, August 15, 2024 - The ongoing conflict in Gaza, now in its tenth month, continues to have devastating consequences for Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank. According to a recent update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the situation has reached catastrophic levels, with a sharp increase in casualties, particularly among children and women.

Alarming Surge in Child Casualties

One of the most distressing aspects of the conflict is the dramatic rise in child fatalities. OCHA reports that the number of Palestinian children killed by live ammunition fired by Israeli forces has nearly tripled since October 7, 2023, compared to the preceding 10 months. The death toll has risen from 39 to 115 children. Additionally, the number of Palestinian children injured by live ammunition has more than doubled, from 615 to 1,411 during the same period.

Escalating Violence in the West Bank

The West Bank has seen a significant escalation in violence. During the week of August 6-12, 2024, Israeli forces killed five Palestinians, while 54 others were injured, including 11 children. These injuries were inflicted by both Israeli forces and settlers. In separate incidents, a Palestinian shot and killed an Israeli civilian and another Palestinian.

The conflict's toll on the West Bank has been severe. Since the start of the Gaza war through August 12, 2024, 594 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The majority of these deaths (577) were attributed to Israeli forces, with 10 caused by settlers. The remaining fatalities are of undetermined origin.

Settler Violence and Palestinian Attacks

OCHA documented 25 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians during the reporting period, resulting in six injuries and property damage. Among the injured were two children. In a particularly disturbing incident, Israeli settlers reportedly assaulted two 15-year-old Palestinian boys, handcuffing them, breaking their legs, and subjecting them to degrading treatment.

Since October 7, 2023, there have been approximately 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, with about 120 resulting in fatalities and injuries, and around 1,000 causing property damage.

Palestinians also carried out three attacks against settlers, resulting in one injury.

Property Destruction and Forced Displacements

The demolition of Palestinian homes and infrastructure continues unabated. Between August 6-12, Israeli authorities demolished or forced the demolition of nine Palestinian-owned structures. One was a punitive demolition, while eight were due to lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which OCHA notes are extremely difficult for Palestinians to obtain.

These demolitions resulted in the displacement of 37 Palestinians, including 13 children, with approximately 789 others affected, primarily children.

Humanitarian Crisis

The cumulative effect of these actions has created a deep humanitarian crisis. The continuous displacement, injury, and killing of Palestinians, particularly the high toll on children and women, has devastated communities and families. The destruction of homes and infrastructure further exacerbates the situation, leaving many without shelter or basic necessities.

International Concern

As the conflict enters its tenth month with no clear resolution in sight, international concern continues to grow. The disproportionate impact on civilians, especially children, has drawn criticism from human rights organizations and UN bodies. Calls for a ceasefire and a return to meaningful peace negotiations have intensified, but so far have not yielded significant results.

The situation remains highly volatile, with the humanitarian crisis showing no signs of abating. As the international community watches with growing alarm, the need for a peaceful resolution becomes ever more urgent to prevent further loss of life and alleviate the suffering of civilians caught in this protracted conflict.



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