JAMAICA | Bunting Condemns Senate President’s Bias
JAMAICA | Bunting Condemns Senate President’s Bias

KINGSTON, Jamaica. July 27, 2024: Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate, Peter Bunting, has strongly condemned the actions of Senate President Tom Tavares-Finson following a walkout by Opposition Senators during yesterday's Senate sitting.

The walkout was a direct protest against the blatant perversion of the President’s role, which demands impartiality and fairness.

Senator Bunting criticised Tavares-Finson for his misuse of the recently installed microphone system, accusing him of stifling the voices of Opposition Senators and behaving like a schoolyard bully.

"By repeatedly interposing himself in the debate, President Tavares-Finson has demonstrated a lack of confidence in the government senators' ability to counter the arguments presented by the Opposition," Bunting stated.

"This JLP administration has viciously attacked the Integrity Commission, replaced Opposition Chairs from the Sessional Select Committees—which now rarely meet—and failed to support a quorum for PAC and PAAC meetings," Bunting noted.

"Such actions reflect their disdain for the principles of Parliamentary oversight and accountability to the people of Jamaica."

Senator Bunting concluded by reaffirming the Opposition's commitment to upholding the integrity and accountability of Jamaica's Parliamentary processes.

He called on the Jamaican public to stand against these undemocratic practices and demand that their leaders act with transparency and respect for the nation's democratic institutions.


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