JAMAICA | Jamaicans for Justice calls for Independent Review of DPP's Office

MONTEGO BAY, August 1, 2023 - The human rights organization Jamaicans for Justice, wants an independent review of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in light of claims and counter claims made by Senior Deputy DPP Kathy-Ann Pyke and DPP Paula Llwellyn in letters released to the public last week.
Ms Pyke wrote to Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Justice Minister Delroy Chuck calling for the postponement of efforts to increase the retirement age and an investigation into the viability of the office under Ms Llewellyn's stewardship.
Ms Llewellyn responded in writing, stating that Ms Pyke has been the subject of numerous complaints from junior staff and on occasion was disrespectful to the DPP.
Against that background, JFJ has asserted that it is in the interest of justice, good administration and the public that all claims levelled by Ms Pyke be independently assessed and determined
JFJ says the possibility cannot be ignored that the concerns may be shared by present and former prosecutors.
The lobby group wants the Public Services Commission to appoint an independent committee to review the operations of the office of the DPP.
This it says should be done in the same vein as the Muirhead Committee which investigated public controversy between then DPP Kent Pantry and senior prosecutors at the time, including Paula LLewellyn.
JFJ says if the concerns expressed by Ms Pyke are even half true the tenure of the DPP has become untenable and requires the intervention of high level intermediaries.
The group adds that if there is some truth to the concerns expressed by Ms Llewellyn against Ms Pyke, Ms LLewellyn should demit office, as it would meant she ignored previous warnings and unjustly subjected the staff to abuse from an 'eccentric' individual.
JFJ says Ms Llewellyn would have seemingly taken no satisfactory steps to bring Ms Pyke to account despite multiple reports from staff and defense counsel, noting that her own words disqualify her from continuing in the post of DPP.
It calls for Ms Pyke to be protected in keeping with the Protected Disclosures Act, saying she should be treated as a whistle blower while the matter is adjudicated.