JAMAICA | Opposition Urges Gov't to Urgently conclude Public Sector Wage Negotiations
JAMAICA | Opposition Urges Gov't to Urgently conclude Public Sector Wage Negotiations

KINGSTON, Jamaica. January 8, 2023: Opposition Spokesman on Finance and the Public Service, Mr. Julian Robinson, MP, is urging the government to expedite the conclusion of public sector wage negotiations, In light of recent unrest among crucial segments of the public sector, including dental surgeons, UWI and UTECH staff, as well as court reporters and steno writers. 

This  Mr. Robinson said underscored the pressing need for a fair and timely resolution to address the concerns of these essential workers.

In a statement, the Opposition Spokesman on Finance  noted that the recent Compensation Review conducted by the government has, unfortunately, fallen short in acknowledging the significant contributions made by these public sector workers. 

“They have been left feeling that their invaluable services are not being duly appreciated, leading to understandable discontent and unrest within these professional groups,”: he said.

Mr. Robinson emphasised that “a fair and just compensation is not just a matter of financial reward but also a recognition of the essential services provided by these professionals.”

The Opposition has strongly urged an immediate reassessment of the compensation, salaries, and terms and conditions for these public sector workers. “It is imperative that the government takes proactive steps to address their concerns, ensuring a harmonious and productive work environment”, said Robinson..

The Opposition Spokesperson is also calling on the government to prioritise the resolution of these wage negotiations to prevent further disruptions in essential public services. 

Mr. Robinson highlighted the need for transparent and collaborative dialogue between the government and the representatives of the affected public sector groups to ensure a fair and satisfactory resolution for all parties involved.

The Opposition remains committed to advocating for the rights and fair treatment of public sector workers, and urges the government to act swiftly in concluding these negotiations.


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