JAMAICA | Progressive Organizations/Individuals say thanks to South Africa on its Palestinian Position

KINGSTON, Jamaica, December 5, 2023 - Today marked the 10th anniversary of the passing of the Former South Africa President, Nelson Mandela, the first democratically elected president of South Africa, who passed on the 5th December, 2013, exactly ten years ago.
In commemoration of this milestone, a delegation of Jamaican individuals and organizations, paid an official call on the South African High Commissioner to Jamaica, Her Excellency Lumka Yengeni.
The group expressed thanks and support to the South African President and Government on its strong and courageous position on the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Members reaffirmed their concerns for the humanitarian plight of the Palestinian people and condemnation for the apartheid system and the collective indiscriminate genocidal practices being unleashed on the Palestinian population in Gaza.
Participants also took the opportunity to commend LANDS for their lead role in organizing the ‘March for Palestine’ on Saturday 4th November, 2023, in Downtown Kingston.
Members and the High Commissioner at the end of the ‘expression of thanks’ discussion also stood in one minute’s silence marking the passing of the Former President, Nelson Mandela, the first democratically elected president of South Africa, who passed on the 5th December, 2013, exactly ten years ago.The members of the delegation included:
- Chairman, People’s National Party Member of Parliament South West St Andrew, Angela Brown Burke;
- Cooperation Officer and former Central Committee Member, Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism (LANDS), Alexander Scott;
- Chairman & First Secretary Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism (LANDS), Christophe Simpson;
- President, Patriots and PNP Junior Shadow Cabinet Spokesman on External Affairs, Christopher Henry;
- President, PNP Youth Organization, Gabriela Morris;
- Executive Advocate and Administrator for One Africa One People, Jamaica and the Caribbean Region, George Cooper;
- The UNIA & ACL High Commissioner for Jamaica, Heru Ishakamusa Menelik;
- 2nd Vice Prime Minister The State of African Diaspora (SOAD), Executive Coordinator Jamaica and Caribbean region, One Africa One People Foundation, Hugh Johnson;
- Author & PNPYO Past Members 1970s, Network, Leroy Cooke;
- Author, Historian, UWI Lecturer, PNPYO Past Members 1970s Network, Dr. Louis Moyston and
- Interim Chair of the Jamaican African People Improvement Association PNPYO Past Members 1970s Network, Paul Burke.