JAMAICA | PNP Calls for Transparency in Trade Talks

KINGSTON, Jamaica. March 1, 2024: The Shadow Minister of Foreign Trade, Mr Anthony Hylton, MP, is concerned about the government’s continued poor handling of the international trade agenda and the lack of inclusion of key sectors of the country in preparation for far-reaching negotiations.
Mr. Hylton’s concerns arise in the context of meetings taking place at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Thirteenth Ministerial Conference (MC13), in Dubai.
In a statement today, the Shadow Minister emphasised that “we are long past the time when delegations leave Jamaica to attend important meetings with potentially far-reaching implications for our people and economy, without any consultations with key sectors and interest groups."
Mr. Hylton further said, "With the possible exception of a few business interests, I am unaware of any meaningful consultation with groups representing women, Persons with Disabilities, farmers and workers having taken place before the delegation went to Dubai to represent all of Jamaica and CARICOM countries.”
The Shadow Minister said positions taken in these meetings on a wide range of issues, will affect them in their daily lives.
The Dubai meeting, which was held from February 26-29, 2024, discussed the future of the multilateral trading system, against the background of geo-political tensions between the U.S and China, whether to lift a ban on the taxation of digital commerce, reducing agricultural and fishing subsidies impacting the environment, as well as reform of the dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO.
Mr. Hylton, who also has responsibility for the Global Logistics Initiative, emphasised that a key objective of trade policy under a PNP administration will be to ensure that trade is equitable and inclusive.
It will also have as policy objectives, improving transparency in the decision-making processes and the ability of our stakeholders--especially those that historically had less access—to provide input, feedback, and to learn about the WTO.”
He said the Opposition is calling on the government to provide a fulsome update on the outcome of the Dubai meeting, including the positions on the various issues taken on behalf of the people, as soon as possible.