JAMAICA | PNP's Brown Burke Tables Parliamentary Motion calling for Gaza Ceasefire and Recognition of a Palestinian State

KINGSTON, Jamaica, December 18, 2023 – In a significant move reflecting Jamaica's long-standing commitment to human rights and international justice, Opposition Member of Parliament for St. Andrew South Western, Dr. Angela Brown Burke, has presented a pivotal motion in the House of Representatives.
The motion, tabled last Tuesday, emphatically calls for the reaffirmation of Jamaica’s unyielding opposition to apartheid and racial discrimination, underlining the nation's dedication to justice and equality.
The resolution is comprehensive in its scope, acknowledging Israel's right to exist while firmly recognizing the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.
It aligns with United Nations Resolutions 3236, 37/43 of 1982, and 3314, calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict. This move by Dr. Brown Burke, who also serves as the Chair of the Opposition People’s National Party, is a bold step in Jamaica's foreign policy, advocating for the recognition of Palestine as a sovereign state within the internationally recognized borders established in 1967, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.
In an era where global politics are increasingly complex and intertwined, the motion stands out as a testament to Jamaica's commitment to international law and human rights. The resolution not only calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict but also urges the governments of Israel and Palestine to engage in immediate negotiations.
These negotiations aim for the peaceful withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied Palestinian territories, in line with the resolutions of the United Nations.
The motion's introduction into the Jamaican Parliament comes at a critical juncture in international politics, particularly in the context of the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It reflects a significant stance by Jamaica, a country known for its advocacy of global justice and equality.
Historically, Jamaica has maintained a consistent voice at the United Nations General Assembly, championing the rights and freedoms of people irrespective of their color, creed, or religion. This motion reaffirms that legacy, especially following Jamaica's notable absence in the October 2023 United Nations General Assembly vote on a humanitarian ceasefire resolution for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
Dr. Brown Burke's resolution has drawn attention to Jamaica's notable absence in the October vote – a departure from its usual active participation in votes concerning human rights and self-determination.
This absence was perceived as a deviation from Jamaica's historical stance and raised concerns about the nation's image and prestige on the global stage. The motion is thus seen as a corrective measure, reasserting Jamaica's commitment to international justice and the principles of sovereignty.
The resolution's call for an immediate ceasefire and the commencement of peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine is a clear manifestation of Jamaica's desire for a peaceful resolution to conflicts based on international law and United Nations directives.
It emphasizes the nation's support for a two-state solution, recognizing the complexity of the conflict but advocating for a peaceful and equitable resolution.
The following is the unabridged text of the motion tabled by Dr Brown Burke who is also Chair of the Opposition People’s National Party.
WHEREAS Jamaica has been a member of the United Nations since its independence in 1962.
AND WHEREAS since taking its seat at the United Nations General Assembly (hereinafter referred to as “the General Assembly”), Jamaica, under succeeding administrations, did so with it’s heritage of a strong commitment to human rights, equality, self-determination, and justice for all peoples embodied in its motto ‘Out of Many One People”.
AND WHEREAS in the exercise of its right to speak as a nation state, Jamaica, at the General
Assembly, has fearlessly done so in favour of justice, freedom, self-determination, and human rights of peoples of all colour, creed and religion, with relentless consistency, thereby recording its vote in the General Assembly, on the right side of history on each occasion.
AND WHEREAS on October 27th 2023, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/ES-10/L.21, this being a humanitarian cease-fire resolution on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, was introduced by Jordan.
AND WHEREAS the Resolution calls for "immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities”; condemns "all acts of violence aimed at Palestinian and Israeli civilians" and demands that “all parties immediately and fully comply with their obligations under international law", among other things.
AND WHEREAS the General Assembly voted with Jamaica recorded as being absent for the vote.
AND WHEREAS October 2023 marks the first time Jamaica failed to vote for justice, freedom, self-determination, and human rights, since taking its seat at the United Nations.
AND WHEREAS Jamaica not being present for the vote and having no vote recorded has damaged its prestige and image in the rest of the World.
BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable House of Representatives reaffirm Jamaica’s irrevocable opposition to apartheid, racial discrimination, and its fearless and relentless commitment to justice, freedom, self-determination, and human rights of peoples of all colour, creed and religion, and joins the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza in respect of the human rights of the Palestinian citizens.
AND BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable House affirm Israel’s right to exist and also recognises the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and to defend themselves in accordance with United Nation Resolutions 3236, 37/43 of 1982 and 3314.
AND BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable House calls on the governments of Israel and Palestine to immediately enter negotiations leading to a peaceful withdrawal of Israel from all occupied Palestinian territories in compliance with all the resolutions of the United Nations including this, which calls for a cease-fire in the Gaza conflict.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the nation of Jamaica recognises the state of Palestine as a sovereign nation with sovereignty over the internationally recognized Palestinian territories as per the 1967 United Nations recognized borders to include the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.
December 12, 2023
Angela Brown Burke
Member of Parliament
St. Andrew South Western