JAMAICA | PNP's Mark Golding Makes Significant Gains in Recent Polls
JAMAICA | PNP's Mark Golding Makes Significant Gains in Recent Polls

KINGSTON, Jamaica, April 28, 2024 - A new poll conducted by Market Research Services Ltd. (MRSL) has placed Opposition Leader Mark Golding ahead of Prime Minister Andrew Holness, indicating a significant shift in voter preference.

The survey, carried out from April 4 to April 12, involved 1,057 respondents and has a margin of error of ±3%.

The poll results indicate that Mark Golding's net favourability has risen sharply to +19%, derived by subtracting the percentage of respondents who view him unfavourably from those who view him favourably.

This figure starkly contrasts with Prime Minister Holness's +9%, highlighting a significant advantage for Golding in public support.

Poll Insights:

  • Mark Golding's negative perceptions have significantly dropped from 47.3% in 2023 to 25.3% in 2024, marking a near halving of unfavourable views.
  • Golding's combined ratings for 'Good', 'Very Good', and 'Average' have jumped from 52.7% last year to 74.6% this year.
  • In comparison, Prime Minister Holness's scores have stagnated, moving marginally from 66.2% in 2023 to 66.0% in 2024.

Dr. Dayton Campbell, General Secretary of the People’s National Party (PNP), commented on the findings, stating, "These poll results are a clear testament to the growing trust and satisfaction among Jamaicans towards Mark Golding's leadership. 

Don Anderson poll commissioned by the People's National PartyThe significant drop in negative perceptions, coupled with the robust increase in overall positive ratings, compared to the stagnant figures for Prime Minister Holness, underscore a forward momentum that the PNP is ready to carry into future endeavours."

As the next election approaches, the data suggests that Mark Golding is becoming the preferred choice for Jamaica's leadership, with the PNP poised to capitalize on this momentum to introduce policies and initiatives aimed at fostering inclusive and effective governance.


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