JAMAICA | Trelawny Municipal Corporation to build new multi-purpose Office complex
JAMAICA | Trelawny Municipal Corporation to build new multi-purpose Office complex

BROOKLYN,  New York, May 29, 2024 - The Trelawny Municipal Corporation is to construct a new two-storey multi-purpose complex to replace its present office building which is over 250 years old and which houses the Trelawny Parish Court facilities.

Mayor Colin Gager told Trelawnites in New York at the second staging of the Friends of Falmouth Symposium over the weekend, that  construction on the multimillion dollar complex should begin shortly.

Falmouth’s Mayor His Worship Councillor Colin Gager received a warm welcome from Assembly District Leader Saran Purcel. Sharing in the occasion are  from left, Councillor for the Martha Brae Division  Roydell Hamilton, President of the Friends of Falmouth Michael Watkiss, Councillor for the Falmouth Division Garth Wilkinson.| Derrick Scott PhotoHe said the drawings and costings for the new structure were in its final stages.”We are working with the National Heritage Trust to make sure that the new building fits within the guidelines of the Georgian historical structures.”

Mayor Gager said upon completion, the new structure will house all the departments of the municipality under one roof. This he said will make it easier for citizens to access all the municipal services without having to walk all over the town.

He said the new building will be located at the former Roads and Works compound behind the fire station.

The Falmouth Mayor explained that repair work on the roof of the 250 year old building which had partially caved in some months ago, was now under way.

This had  forced the parish court to move its offices to Duncans some ten miles to the East of the town.

Falmouth’s Mayor Colin Gager engages the  attention of Councillor for the Martha Brae Division Roydell Hamilton and Councillor for the Falmouth Division Garth Wilkinson at theFriends of Falmouth Symposium at the Major Owens Community Centre in Brooklyn New York on Saturday 25th May, 2024.|Derrick Scott PhotoThe Falmouth Mayor explained that “this building was important to the town as it was one of the important Georgian structures and we as a Council intend to keep it and to transform it into a historical and cultural centre.”

The present Georgian municipal building was constructed in 1851 and was partially destroyed by fire in 1926. The structure was refurbished in 2007 to coincide with the opening of the new state of the art cruise ship pier which boasts among the largest cruise ships afloat from the Royal Caribbean Cruise lines.

Mayor Gager revealed that work should shortly resume on erection of a statue in honour of one of  the parish’s  favourite sons, The Hon. Usain Bolt OJ, construction of which began in November 2021 but had come to a halt due to a number pof challenges including the availability of critical parts which had to be sourced overseas and are now expected to arrive shortly.

Falmouth’s Mayor Colin Gager (centre) and Assembly District Leader Ms Saran Purcel along with Councillor for the Falmouth Division Garth Wilkinson, and Councillor for the Martha Brae Division  Roydell Hamilton (third from left in the back row) pose for a photograph with the members of the Board of the Friends of Falmouth organization. | Derrick Scott PhotoThe Falmouth mayor said once the parts have arrived, the Jamaica Defence Force will resume construction in time for unveiling during the independence celebrations in August 2024.

He added that the Albert George Market constructed in 1894 and named in honour of two of Queen Victoria’s grandsons, Albert and George is also in line for refurbishing.

The market had been leased to private concerns  and has now been returned to the Council. He said the town clock, located in the market, is to be repaired and will form part of the restoration of the town centre, named for its historic fountain: Water Square.


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