JAMAICA | Yes, PNP won the election! declares Gen Sec Dr. Dayton Campbell

KINGSTON, Jamaica. March 1, 2024: Following final tabulations by the Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ), the People's National Party (PNP) is pronouncing what it says is "its undisputed success in the 2024 Local-Government Elections (LGE), securing victories in seven municipalities across Jamaica, a significant increase from five in 2016."
In a statement today, the PNP says "local governance in the country is structured around Fourteen (14) local authorities, comprising one city municipality in Portmore with a directly elected mayor, and 13 municipal corporations.
"In a noteworthy achievement, the PNP secured victories in seven (7) crucial local authorities, including the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), where a PNP Councillor will now assume the role of mayor.
Municipality of Portmore
“ The PNP emerged as the frontrunner by winning more divisions across Jamaica, securing 115 out of 228 divisions and totalled an impressive 303,852 votes compared to the JLP’s 282,534 votes. ”
"Additionally, the City Municipality of Portmore, the only directly-voting Mayorship in Jamaica, saw the return of a PNP Mayor, while the party also secured mayoral positions in St. Catherine, Manchester, Westmoreland, Hanover, and St. Mary.
This triumph underscores the PNP's commitment to effective local governance and community empowerment.
The PNP's statement said "the attainment of the coveted Mayorship of KSAMC, in particular, stands as a testament to the party's resurgence as the preferred and trusted leaders of the capital city.
"The PNP emerged as the frontrunner by winning more divisions across Jamaica, securing 115 out of 228 divisions, up from 98 in 2016, demonstrating the broad and diverse support for the party across the nation. The JLP won 113 divisions down from 130 in the 2016 elections.
In contrast, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) experienced a reduction in its majority, losing the municipalities of KSAMC and St. Mary, along with 17 divisions they controlled going into the elections.
Popular Vote
The opposition party said "the PNP's triumph extends beyond seat acquisitions, with a significant victory in the Popular Vote.
The Popular Vote represents the aggregate number of votes cast for the PNP across Jamaica, totalling an impressive 303,852 votes compared to the JLP’s 282,534 votes.
This reflects a substantial increase of approximately 47,000 votes for the PNP compared to 2016, while the JLP experienced a decline of 5000 votes over the same period.
The Popular Vote underscores the party's widespread appeal and resonating message of community empowerment, reflecting a collective choice in favour of the PNP's transformative agenda.
The PNP's General Secretary Dr. Dayton Campbell emphatically declared that "Yes, PNP won the election! The time has come for brief celebration and for us to quickly return our focus to serving the people of Jamaica."
Dr. Campbell expressed deep gratitude to the Jamaican people for their support and trust in the PNP.
He emphasized that these undisputed facts underscore the party's unwavering dedication to serving the nation and its commitment to fostering positive change at the local level.