JAMAICAN Chris Chaplain new head of Consular Assn in Philadelphia

WASHINGTON DC, December 20, 2022 - Jamaica’s Honorary Consul in Philadelphia, Christopher Chaplin, is the new President of the Consular Corps Association of Philadelphia. Mr. Chaplin was elected to lead the Association at its meeting on December 14, 2022, in Philadelphia. The new CCAP President takes up office on January 1, 2023.
Mr. Chaplin succeeds Mr. Peter Longstreth, Honorary Consul of Uruguay, whom he saluted for having served the Association with distinction. Commenting on his own election to the position, Mr. Chaplin said, “Peter has been a great mentor to me over the past two years and I look forward to serving my fellow diplomats with distinction.”
The Association’s December 14 election also brought in Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Norway Ms. Susan Satkowski as Vice President; Honorary Consul of the Republic of Fiji Ms. Karen Lawson as Secretary, while Honorary Consul of Hungary Ms. Edith Schwartz was elected Treasurer.
A career banker whose parents were the late Ken and Joan Chaplin – Ken the distinguished journalist, head of JIS and JAMPRESS, and advisor to Jamaican Prime Ministers – Christopher Chaplin has worked at financial institutions in both Jamaica and the United States. He was appointed Jamaica’s Honorary Consul in Philadelphia by Jamaica’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator Kamina Johnson Smith in April of 2019.
The Consular Corps Association of Philadelphia (CCAP) is the oldest consular organization in the United States and its members represent 63 countries around the world.
As a 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation, CCAP is governed by a four-member Executive Committee elected each year by its members and is funded by dues, contributions and sponsorships. Like any association, CCAP’s fundamental responsibility is to assist its members in maximizing their individual effectiveness.
More specific objectives include: Improving CCAP Members’ access to Philadelphia’s business, non-profit and political leadership; Facilitating communication, education and mutual support among CCAP members; Providing Philadelphia with a window on the diplomatic world – in Washington, D.C. and abroad; and Partnering with selected cultural, educational and charitable organizations which contribute to Philadelphia’s international agenda.