UK Home Office Grants visa to 15 month-old child born in Jamaica to British resident
UK Home Office Grants visa to 15 month-old child born in Jamaica to British resident

MONTEGO BAY,  Jamaica, July 12, 2022 -  Twenty four hours after her case was highlighted by the UK Guardian in a full blown exposé, 28 year old Tiffany Ellis, a resident of the United Kingdom, who was stranded in Jamaica with her 15 month-old son, has been told by Britain's Home Office that the baby can now enter the United Kingdom.

Tiffany Ellis, 28, who has indefinite leave to remain in the UK where she has lived since the age of  eight, along with her partner Zarren Ellis, 38, and accompanied by their daughter Xianna, went to Jamaica to marry in January 2020.

The couple who live in London, became stranded in Jamaica as a result of  the Covid lockdown. The Guardian report said Tiffany became pregnant and suffered from such a severe case of constant vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum) that she was unable to leave the house. As a result, the family had to delay their return to the UK. 

The Guardian newspaper said Tiffany gave birth to Xien on 30 April last year in Jamaica and has been trying to return to the UK ever since.

She made a visa application for the baby but last December, when Xein was about eight months old, the Home Office refused it, stating: “You currently live and study with your mother in Jamaica.”

In its letter refusing the baby's visa application, the Home Office said their decision is justified by the need to maintain an effective immigration and border control and will not have unjustifiably harsh consequences.

The refusal letter added that the baby’s life can continue as it is now in Jamaica with financial support from his mother in the UK.

Zarren had to return to London last December so that Xianna could attend school. They had to leave Tiffany and Xien in Jamaica because of the Home Office visa refusal.

Karen Doyle, of Movement For Justice, has welcomed the Home Office decision to give Xien a visa: “These kinds of unthinking inhuman decisions from the Home Office need to stop,” she said.

The Guardian quotes Home Office sources as saying that previously, the documents they requested were sent in an unreadable format. However, “Upon further evidence coming to light, we agreed to reconsider this application in May. We are awaiting additional information and once we receive it, we will consider the application carefully.”

On Tuesday a Home Office spokesperson said: “We are in contact with Ms Ellis and have now issued the child’s visa.”





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