CUBA could have civilized cooperation with U.S., says Díaz-Canel
CUBA could have civilized cooperation with U.S., says Díaz-Canel

HAVANA, Nov 23 (Prensa Latina) Cuba and the United States could have a civilized coexistence, within their ideological differences, the Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel told Pastors for Peace Caravan members.

In a meeting with more than 72 caravan members, the Cuban president stated that his country is ready “for a civilized coexistence, in equal conditions, respect for sovereignty, independence and without interference in internal affairs.”

The 31st Pastors for Peace Caravan arrived in Cuba on November 26 for a solidarity visit in order to reject internal subversion attempts and threats from Washington.

The Cuban president remarked that the relationship of respect between both countries is also desired by their peoples, as well as by most of the nations around the world, which each year vote at UN Assemble against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

Díaz-Canel stressed that the US government is increasingly tightening this blockade, in order to stifle Cuba’s economy and touch off a social outbreak, an action he described as “too evil” by a government, despite having differences ideological with another.

After explaining damages such a policy could bring about, to which the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the media hype are also included, the Cuban head of state praised “talent and resistance of his people” to overcome difficulties.

In this regard, he alluded to the development of its own vaccines, in spite of being a poor nation, with no resources and being brutally blocked.


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