JAMAICA | Ruel Reid/Jamaica College Negotiations nearing completion

KINGSTON November 19 , 2021 - The current special leave of former principal of Jamaica College, Ruel Reid expires today, Saturday November 20, 2021 and the Board of Management of the institution has confirmed that negotiations are under way in an effort to come to an amicable settlement in the interest of the school.
This, after the Board had recommended that the special leave of the former head masterRuel Reid be extended for a further five years, in order to facilitate the continued proper governance of the school. However, this approval was not granted by the Ministry of Education.
In a media statement on Friday, the Michael Bernard-led JC Board said it was trying to reach a settlement ahead of the expiration of Mr. Reid's special leave on Saturday November 20. Reid, the former Minister of Education who is facing fraud charges, still holds the post of principal at the school.
The board dismissed reports that there has been protest as well as widescale resignations from the board in relation to the matter. However it explained that executive members of the Jamaica College Old Boys Association, who are also executives of the PTA, have resigned from both bodies. But there have been no mass resignations.

1. Over the past few days, the Board of Management of Jamaica College has been working to conclude arrangements for dealing with the active role of principal of Jamaica College, having regard to the fact that the current special leave of Mr. Ruel Reid expires on Saturday November 20, 2021.
2. The discussions are at an advanced stage and, as would be expected, are of a confidential nature. The Board fully expects them to be successfully concluded shortly at which time a further update will be given.
3. To clarify several misconceptions and misunderstandings in the public domain please note further that:-
a. The priority of the Board is to maintain the current stability and status quo at the school and the Board therefore, once again, recommended that the special leave of Mr. Reid be extended to facilitate the continued proper governance of the school. This however required the approval of the Ministry of Education, and such approval was not granted.
b. Since 2016 when he ceased active duty as principal of Jamaica College, the school has paid no salary or other emoluments to Mr. Reid.
c. JC is aware of the fact that criminal charges have been laid against Mr. Reid but has no evidence that can support a disciplinary hearing which could lead to his termination. This despite assiduous attempts to secure such evidence.
d. There is no "upheaval" or "protest" at Jamaica College and there have been no resignations at the Board in relation to this matter. We can confirm that two executive members of the Jamaica College Old Boys Association, who are also executives of the PTA, have resigned from both bodies. There have been no "mass" resignations as reported.
The statement went on to say that Jamaica College "continues its journey of excellence with several notable achievements under the last five years under the outstanding stewardship of the current Acting Principal Wayne Robinson".
It highlighted improvements in students' academic performance, teaching modalities and programmes, teacher development, new and improved infrastructure as well as better performance in sports and extra-curricula activities.
Reid has been before the court since October 2019 on charges of defrauding the Ministry of Education and Caribbean Maritime University of millions of dollars. He was expelled from the Andrew Holness Cabinet in March 2019. The JC board had released him on secondment in March 2016 to serve as minister for an initial period of two years.