CUBA has fully vaccinated 89.8 percent of population

Havana, Apr 28 ( Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) on Thursday reported that 9,944,292 Cubans, accounting for 89.8 percent of the population, have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
According to the Minstry’s website, 10,655,067 citizens have received one shot of homegrown vaccines, 9,400,609 have already received the second dose, and 9,096,462 have been administered the third one.
Therefore, Cuba has reported 35,691,738 doses of the Cuba’s Soberana 02, Soberana Plus and Abdala vaccines and, in addition, 6,538,916 people have received the booster dose, according to the MINSAP report.
Cuban vaccines are safe and do not cause serious adverse effects, according to successful clinical trials and the vaccination of different segments of the population.
The strategy is being implemented in a staggered manner, aimed at achieving greater protection against new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
According to Cuba’s National Statistics and Information Office, by late 2020, Cuba had a population of 11,180,000 inhabitants.