GUYANA | That Reckless, Don't care, CCJ leak by Anil Nandall shows little regard for decency
GUYANA | That Reckless, Don't care, CCJ leak by Anil Nandall shows little regard for decency

GEORGETOWN,  October 23, 2022 - The unauthorised release of the election petition decision of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) by Mr. Mohabir Anil Nandall, Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, is particularly worrying, to say the least. Especially in circumstances where there continues to be serious and deep suspicions, among Guyanese, about the results of the 2020 elections, in this country.

The unethical act, by the Attorney General seems to suggest that he enjoys a very high level of comfort with that Court, to the point, where he, the Attorney General, sees no difficulty in releasing confidential information (the decision of the CCJ) to the public prior to the official ruling of the court.

It has not occurred to this high public official that his action would affect public trust; an indispensable element to good relations between the Court and the public, and to the integrity of the operations of the Court. It appeared to have been more expedient for Mr. Nandlall to overshadow the work of the Court than to remain ethical even in the face of his great excitement.

Whilst the Caribbean Court of Justice has rightly frowned on this lack of ethics by the Attorney General, he has already, by his action, committed the breach and possibly negatively affected the image of the Court.

No doubt, this would go down in our national history as the most unethical action by any Head of Legal Affairs of Guyana. But, no one should be surprised because the Attorney General represents, and is, in fact, part of a government that has very little regard for protocol, trust, standard, and basic decent human behaviour.

In my view, a public apology would make no difference, nor would it change the behaviour of this Attorney General. It is just the way they are; reckless and don’t care a damn!”

In like manner, the ruling party – PPP/C – of which Mr. Nandlall is a high-ranking member, manages the affairs of this country shamelessly without even the slightest sensitivity to the felt needs and concerns of minorities and those, who are opposing its discriminatory policies.

One group of people continues to benefit from the national patrimony of this country; other groups and minorities must be satisfied with what is tossed to them by the incumbent. But even the longest rope has an end; our society would not sustain the unfair and unjust attitude, and policies and practices of the ruling party.

On the question of the decision of the Court, my only comment is that, I am sure, that Guyanese are paying keen attention to the rulings and decisions of the Caribbean Court of Justice on election- related, and other matters of national interest.

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