Trump Really Hates That a Black Woman Is Prosecuting Him, says Columnist Kali Holloway
Trump Really Hates That a Black Woman Is Prosecuting Him, says Columnist Kali Holloway

MONTEGO BAY, September 24, 2022 - Daily Beast Columnist Kali Holloway is asserting that twice impeached former US president Donald Trump ‘really hates’ that a Black woman, New York Attorney General Letitia James is prosecuting him.

Writing in her ‘Daily Beast’ column, Holloway says “ There is no one for whom Donald Trump holds more disdain than Black women.

“Even for a small, petty man whose presidency was almost singularly focused on insult-tweeting between golf and crimes, Trump seemed to reserve his greatest condescension and disdain for Black women, invoking racist and sexist language to demean their intelligence and capabilities.

Holloway pointed out that Trump “repeatedly claimed California Rep. Maxine Waters had a “low IQ,” and launched a verbal war with Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson, labeling her a “wacky” liar.

His indignation at Black women journalists for questioning him—that is to say, doing their jobs—and seething resentment of their presence in briefing rooms was palpable when he instructed American Urban Radio Networks reporter April Ryan to “sit down” and called her a “loser;” berated CNN’s Abby Phillips, telling her, “you ask a lot of stupid questions;” and implied PBS journalist Yamiche Alcindor was “threatening,” patronizingly shushed her, and called her “something else.”

She said Trump intentionally evoked “welfare queen” imagery when calling Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser “incompetent” and wanting of “handouts,” and called up “angry black lady” tropes when labeling Vice President Kamala Harris “a monster” and “a mad woman.”

The Daily Beast columnist in further support of her argument, said “this misogynoir rushed to memory on Wednesday, when New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Black woman, announced that her office has filed a $250 million lawsuit alleging Trump and his three middle-aged, very adult children fraudulently “inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to unjustly enrich himself and to cheat the system, thereby cheating all of us.” 

“For those who may not have wanted to read the entire 220-page complaint, James offered a tweet thread with just a few examples of Trump’s many alleged financial lies, including falsely tripling the square footage of his Manhattan apartment to command an unprecedented sale price of $327 million, valuing Mar-a-Lago at $739 million when it was closer to $75 million, and reporting that he had cash on hand that didn’t exist,” Holloway noted.

In response to the lawsuit, Trump called the New York Attorney General a “fraud,” a “total crime fighting disaster,” and blamed her for New York City becoming the crime-ravaged cesspool Trump imagines it to be.

 “She is a failed A.G. whose lack of talent in the fight against crime is causing record numbers of people and companies to flee New York,” Trump wrote. “The city is one of the crime and murder disasters of the world under her watch,” Trump said in a post on his  social media, Truth Social.

 Just this past January, Holloway said, Trump “baselessly labeled MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid a “racist commentator.” And as he was establishing the Big Lie about the election being stolen, both Trump and Rudy Giuliani targeted Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman, two Black women election workers in Georgia. Trump brought up Freeman’s name 18 times during a January 2021 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, denigrating her as “a hustler” and “professional vote scammer” who “stuffed the ballot boxes.”

‘None of that was true, but Trumpists already believed Trump’s claim that illegitimate Black votes had stolen the election; they were all too happy to buy that Black vote counters were involved,” she observed.

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/11Alive As she concluded her article, Holloway said there were only two persons prepared to call out the former president for what he is , and they are two Black Women: New York state Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James and the district attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, Fani Willis.

He knows that 95 percent of Black women, pretty famously at this point, voted against him in 2016. He enlisted his entire White House to go after Jemele Hill, an ESPN host at the time, for publicly acknowledging him as a “white supremacist.” 

Trump—who put at least 10 judges rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association on the federal bench— used the word “unqualified” to describe the imminently talented Stacey Abrams, who with a number of other Black women activists in 2020 helped defeat Trump in Georgia.

And, of course, there’s James, who as a candidate and upon her entry to office, promised to “follow the money” where Trump was concerned. Watching her deliver on that vow is absolutely enraging for Trump, a man who has dedicated his life to revenge over trifling slights, who used his bully pulpit to stoke (in the people who were already looking for someone to blame) even more hatred against the same people who are always on the receiving end of white anger and vitriol,” 

“Perhaps it’s petty, but knowing how much Trump is particularly aggrieved by this Black woman, he would use every tool in his arsenal to destroy for far less—if their roles were reversed,” Holoway concluded.

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