BARBADOS | PM Mia Mottley and Attorney General Dale Marshall Sworn in
BARBADOS | PM Mia Mottley and Attorney General Dale Marshall Sworn in

BRIDGETOWN, January 20, 2022 - Barbados Labour Party Leader Mia Mottley along with Member of parliamernt for the constituency of St. Joseph, Dale Marshall, were sworn in today as Prime Minister and Attorney General respectively by President Sandra Mason, following their resounding victory at the polls during yesterday's general elections.

Attorney General Dale Marshall receiving his instrument of Office from President Dame Sandra Mason after the swearing in.Following the swearing in ceremony, Prime Minister Mottley said on Monday she will announce the members of her Cabinet and will use the ensuing few days after the resounding success where her party executed a second consecutive sweep of all 30 parliamentary seats in the Elections, to determine the structure of the new government.

Seven political parties, including the main opposition Democratic Labour Party (DLP) under new leader, Attorney, Verla De Peiza, contested the elections, called some 18 months ahead of the constitutional deadline, in the nation's first general election since it became a republic last year by removing Britain's queen as sovereign head of state.

Prime Minister Mottley along with Attorgey General Dale Marshall speaks with the media after being sworn in this afternoon at State House by  President Sandra MasonIn speaking with members of the media after the ceremony, Mottley again expressed her gratitude to the people of Barbados for “a very clear and decisive mandate.”

“We shall treat it with care as we have done before and we shall endeavour to continue the process of transformation if our country is expected to meet the challenges of the next 10-15 years.”

"We recognize that we are living in a dynamic environment, and that aparty from those challenges, there is still aspirations that we set of ourselves as a nation, when we became independent in 1966: closing the development gap, eliminarting poverty from our landscape, ensuring that our children can be educated to the maximum and to the best of their ability, and of course ensuring that our people have affordable equitable access to health care and above all else, that our proplr shall remain owners in their land and not tenants in their land.

"That has been a process of enfranchisement undertaken successful by different governments. This manifesto has been far more strategic because we recognize, that you almost have to learn to read the ball and play the shots as they come because of the manner in which the world is functioning today. And therefore will have to continue our engagements globally because it allows us the fiscal and policy space to do what we need to do but at the same time, it also allows us as a small nation, to be able to contribute in our own meaningful way, in making the world a better place."










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