CARICOM leaders mourn the death of former Nevis premier Vance Amory
CARICOM leaders mourn the death of former Nevis premier Vance Amory

MONTEGO BAY, April 3, 2022 - Caribbean leaders are today mourning yesterday's  sudden passing of the Former Premier of Nevis and Ambassador Vance Amory, extending their deep condolences with the family as well as the people of   St Kitts and Nevis.

Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Timothy Harris, expressed his personal grief at the passing of the  former Premier of Nevis in a tweet yesterday. 

He expressed condolences to his wife Vernita, his daughters, the rest of his family, and a wide circle of friends and well-wishers. The people of St Kitts and Nevis have lost our Elder Statesman. "May his soul find eternal peace," Harris said.

Deputy Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Shawn K Richards, also expressed deep sadness at Amory's passing noting that:“It was with much devastation that I learned earlier today of the sudden passing of former Premier of Nevis, Ambassador Vance Amory. I extend my deepest condolences to his wife, children, and extended family”  Richards said . 

Deputy PM of St Kitts and Nevis Shawn K Richards expresses condolences on demise of Former Premier of Nevis Vance AmorRichards said he had the privilege of working with Former Premier of Nevis Amory in the federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis from 2015-2020; he as Senior Minister and Minister of Labour and me as Deputy Prime Minister.

“I will remember him for the role he played, along with myself as Leader of the People’s Action Movement, PAM, and he as Leader of the Concerned Citizens Movement, CCM, has worked tirelessly with the Leader of the PLP, Dr Timothy Harris, to help fashion a government of national unity,” Richards concluded.

Premier of Nevis Mark Brantley, a close friend of Amory, also mourned hgis tragic passing:“This morning, I woke up with hearing the shocking and tragic news that people of the Federation have lost an iconic Nevisian, a lifelong servant and a Statesman to the residents of Nevis and the wider Federation. Vance Winkworth Amory was an extraordinary man who always worked for the upliftment of Nevis as a sportsman, a politician, an educator, and a banker.”

Former peremier Vance Amory and Prime Minister Keith Mitchell at the CARICOM Inter-Sessional in Belize.Prime Minister of Grenada Keith Mitchell also expressed sadness over the loss of the former Premier, noting that he was “Deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Ambassador Vance Amory, former Premier of Nevis. These pics were from exactly one month ago when we met at the CARICOM Heads of Government meeting in Belize. As usual, we had deep conversations about various regional developments.”

Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley expressed on behalf of the people of Barbados, deep condolences on Amory's sudden passing:“I wish, as a leader of the Government and residents of Barbados, to extend deep condolences to the Government and residents of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis on the sudden demise of former Nevis Premier Vance Winkworth Amory on April 1, 2022, Saturday at just the age of 72,” PM Mottley asserted. 

 Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley Mottley pointed out that just one month ago, she had the honour of meeting with Mr. Amory at the 33rd Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM in Belize, where he worked and spoke about his interest in advancing the common interest of residents and people of Nevis within the context of a stronger regional family.

She extended deep condolences to his wife Vernita, his daughters and other members of the Amory family. “We have to be assured that you have our deepest sympathy. May his soul now rest in peace, after a life of yeoman service to others,” she emphasized.

Also expressing condolences at Amory's passing was Antigua and Barbuda's Prime Minister Gaston Browne who extended heartfelt condolences to the residents and Government of St. Kitts and Nevis, and to the family on his sudden passing. 

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston BrowneHe stressed the friendly relations between Antigua and Barbuda and St Kitts and Nevis,and emphasized that “the relationships between the two countries always remained close."

Browne said "Premier Vance Amory and I shared  great warmth. As a matter of fact, I always recognized him as the embodiment of the best of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. Amory was a resounding cricketer who played for his country and for the Leeward Islands Team. He was a politician and statesman who worked for the upliftment of the country and the common good with his well-honed intellect. As a leader and Government Minister, he always excelled at the portfolios assigned to him,” Browne noted.

He said St. Kitts and Nevis had lost a great son, and the region has suffered an irreplaceable loss. May the ancestors welcome him into their arms, offering eternal rest and peace, he concluded.

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