GUYANA | Release the Gosh/Persaud report from the Indian Authorities says Roysdale Forde SC

GEORGETOWN, Guyana Shadow, October 28, 2022 - Guyana Opposition Spokesman on Legal Affairs, Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde wants the Government to release the report from the Indian authorities which alleged that a thorough investigation had been conducted into the matter between Ms. Sonya Ghosh and Mr. Charrandass Persaud which led to his sacking, and that the findings of assault were without merit.

In her ‘Criminal Complaint against Charrandas Persaud, for sexually harassing and outraging & insulting [her] modesty’ given to the police in New Delhi, Ms Ghosh, an the academic and activist stated that she was “sexually harassed & her modesty was outraged & insulted by an individual who identifies himself as Charrandass Persaud, Guyana’s High Commissioner to India, residing at 339 Church Road, Vasant Kunj…on August 1, 2021.”
When the video went viral on Tuesday, the government’s first response was denial by way of a statement from Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hugh Todd. According to the statement, the Ghosh/Persaud matter was “brought to the attention of the Ministry of External Affairs of India by High Commissioner Persaud, was fully investigated by the relevant authorities and a formal response to the High Commissioner dated September 3, 2022 indicates that ‘allegation of sexual abusive words to complainant has [sic] not been substantiated.’”
The question that presents itself here is what was the nature of the question or inquiry of the High Commissioner that the relevant authorities were responding to that provoked this “formal response to the High Commissioner dated September, 3,2022…”?
Was it the content of the video circulating on social media, or was it the content of the First Information Report (FIR) pursuant to Ms. Ghosh’s complaint?
Did the High Commissioner, himself, request an investigation of the complaint made against him, or was it his complaint about the video of his vile behaviour, forever memorialised on the internet, circulating on social media that was his concern, and of which he sought an investigation?
Whatever it might be, Forde said, Persaud must also place for public scrutiny the statement he allegedly made to the Ministry of External Affairs, concerning the matter.
“Or, at the very least, the report of the Indian Police authorities clearing him of any wrongdoing alleged in this sordid affair should be available for public scrutiny. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot seek to hide behind the veil of diplomatic confidentiality in a matter of such grave criminal behaviour of one of our senior diplomats, committed in the host country against a citizen of that country!”
The very nature of this gross and egregious diplomatic, and alleged criminal misconduct has taken it outside the pale of a private matter, to that of an issue of national concern and import as it now implicates our national ethos and proclaimed values, and the international stature of our nation, Forde said.
As such, he noted that all Guyanese must be brought up to date with what transpired from the moment the incident occurred from August 2021 to September 3, 2022 when the Government said “matter [was] closed.”
Forde said “the matter is certainly not closed as he demands the Irfaan Ali Government come clean on this matter they are seeking to bury. Guyanese are not fools and know when they are being lied to,” Forde declared.

Her best-known work is the food distribution system among the dogs living on the streets of Delhi. This task has a significant scope both for the protection of abandoned dogs and for the public health of the city of Delhi.
Ms. Ghosh is a language teacher at Delhi University and the resources she uses to feed stray dogs come from her salary.
She brings love and care to abandoned dogs and, at the same time, offers substantial improvements to the city's public health.
As an ecologist, Ms. Ghosh believes that human beings are responsible for dogs; from the moment domestication linked the life of canines to that of human societies.
It is not only about feeding them, but it also involves monitoring and caring for the health of the dogs, preventing diseases that could affect the community.”