JAMAICA | Opposition Leader Mark Golding Kicks Off  Diaspora Tour of the United Kingdom
JAMAICA | Opposition Leader Mark Golding Kicks Off Diaspora Tour of the United Kingdom

KINGSTON, Jamaica: October 5, 2022 - The Leader of the Opposition Mr. Mark Golding, MP along with a delegation including Ambassador Aloun Ndombet-Assamba, as well as  members of parliament Julian Robinson, and Mikael Phillips, today embarked on a tour of the Jamaican Diaspora in the United Kingdom.

The Delegation arrived at the London Heathrow Airport this morning, where they were well received by the Jamaican High Commission along with the Welcome Committee of the Opposition’s Jamaica Diaspora UK- West Midlands Chapter.

Throughout the course of the Tour, which is scheduled for October 5 – October 8, 2022, Mr. Golding and his delegation will participate in a number of stakeholder meetings, town hall meetings, as well as public cultural events in celebration of Jamaica’s Diamond Jubilee. The Delegation will also make courtesy calls to the Jamaican High Commission and Jamaican consulate in the UK.

The Opposition looks forward to this leg of the Tour and anticipates that discussions with stakeholders in the Diaspora will lead to positive policy proposals and greater inclusivity and collaboration between Jamaica and the Diaspora.

“We want members of the Jamaican Diaspora wherever they live to know that the Opposition salutes them in their successes abroad and is grateful for their support of Jamaica. We welcome your continued participation in Jamaica’s development”, said Mr Golding at the start of the tour.


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