JAMAICA | Opposition stands with Police in overtime dispute with Government
JAMAICA | Opposition stands with Police in overtime dispute with Government

KINGSTON, Jamaica: The People’s National Party stands in solidarity with the members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force in the ongoing negotiations for payment for overtime work done.

The Opposition suggests that the growing tension between the Government and the police be quelled by the Government agreeing to pay the police for overtime going forward, and entering into good faith negotiations to reach a workable solution with respect to the retroactive period.  

Members of the rank and file of the Jamaican police force, most of whom have been working shifts in excess of eight hours each day without compensation for overtime, says the Police Federation.The background is that the members have been working shifts in excess of eight hours each day without compensation for overtime, and the Police Federation has been engaged in negotiations with the Government to recover overtime pay accruing since 2008. In an attempt to balance the interests of its members with the current state of our economy, the Federation agreed to forego part of their claim, but the Government has rejected those terms. The matter is at a stalemate, with the government apparently determined to fight it out with the police in court.

Opposition Leader Mark Golding said – “The manner in which the Government is dealing with the situation shows a lack of regard for our police officers, who work tirelessly to serve and protect our nation. The dispute has left members of the JCF disillusioned and disgruntled. Morale within the Force is low at this critical time when the Nation is relying on our police officers to bring the torrent of murders under control. This impasse is highly undesirable, and it is the duty of the Government to find a solution. Jamaica needs a motivated Force to protect the population from the criminals.”

He continued - “Our police officers deserve to feel valued and respected, as we ask them to face the dangers of confronting armed criminals. Constructive and sympathetic engagement by the Government with the Federation is urgently needed. It is clearly in the Nation’s best interests for Government to motivate our police officers by adopting a conciliatory and respectful approach to dealing with their unresolved claim for overtime pay.”


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