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JAMAICA | Opposition wants Proper Compensation for Construction workers
JAMAICA | Opposition wants Proper Compensation for Construction workers

KINGSTON, Jamaica, May 3, 2022 -  Opposition Spokesman on Labour and Social Security, Senator Dr. Floyd Morris, is calling upon the Government to ensure that there is a proper compensation mechanism in place for employees in the construction industry, especially skilled workers.

The call from the Opposition Spokesman has come within the context of recent statements by the Prime Minister Andrew Holness, that there is a shortage of skilled labourers for the construction industry and that consideration will have to be given to the importation of such skilled labourers.

But the People’s National Party (PNP) is not in favour of this move. According to Senator Dr. Floyd Morris, “The Government must ensure that there is a proper compensation mechanism for all employees in the construction industry. If there is a shortage of workers, since we are operating in a market economy, there should be adequate compensation for those labourers who are in short supply.” 

“If anything, poor remuneration would be the primary reason for any shortage of skilled workmen and women in the construction industry. Every time these individuals are trained and certified, they migrate to countries where the wages are far more lucrative” says Senator Morris.

According to Senator Morris, “We must ramp up the training and certification of skilled workmen and women in the industry. But equally, proper remuneration must be placed on the table for these individuals whose skills are in demand globally. If we do not compensate them properly, then we are going to continue to lose these individuals whenever they are trained and certified.”

Senator Dr. Floyd Morris is warning the Government against venturing on the non-progressive path of importing workers from overseas as a first response to the existential problem in the construction industry.  He said, “We will not sit idly by and allow such measures to be implemented without adequate consultation with all the stakeholders in the industry and country.”


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