JAMAICA | Golding wants Gov’t to move the tax-free value on imported personal items from US$50 to US$150

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica March 15, 2022 - Opposition Leader Mark Golding wants the government to increase the tax-free value on imported personal items from US$50 to US$150, in line with what importers have long been lobbying the government to do.
Addressing Parliament as he made his contribution to the 2022 budget debate, the Opposition Leader said “with the explosion of the internet and access to online shopping, consumers are able to buy personal items from overseas, and have them shipped to Jamaica. These are items not produced in Jamaica. This has spawned a new industry of firms that bring those goods to Jamaica for online shoppers.
But unless the items are less than US$50 (J$7,500) in value, duties and taxes are charged on the value of the purchase. The duties and other taxes on goods valued at over US$50 are burdensome on consumers who shop in this way to achieve greater value.
I am calling on the Government to increase the tax-free value from US$50 to US$150 on imported personal items. that are brought into Jamaica like this.
It will make a tremendous difference to consumers who are seeking to reduce their cost of living by using the new opportunities that modern technology and logistics have made possible.
And for the Jamaicans overseas who send home barrels with food and other essentials to help their families here to survive, reduce the cost of clearing the barrels at the wharf. I propose that it be reduced by 50% for the coming year, from $6,500 to $3,250.
The Opposition leader also called on the government to remove the tax on the devices that students need to conduct their online classes. Online teaching is still part of the education system, even though face-to-face classes have resumed.
The Government’s programme of free devices, while welcome, was limited in scope, and has not adequately covered those in need. Many parents cannot afford the cost of tablets or laptops, and their children’s education continue to suffer. That is reality, not fantasy.
Mr. Gilding said “It is immoral, and bad policy too, for the Government to be collecting taxes on devices needed by children to access their education. We once again call on the Government to remove all taxes from these devices to make them more affordable and lessen the cost to parents.”