CUBA'S historical role and contribution to the Group of 77 (G-77)
CUBA'S historical role and contribution to the Group of 77 (G-77)

HAVANA,  Cuba, September 14, 2023 - This weekend, Cuba will again play host to countries of the Global South that make up the Group of 77. Cuba has always played an active role in the G-77 + China since its incorporation in 1971.

Among the Caribbean island's main contributions to the Group's work is the promotion of South-South cooperation as a way to contribute to equitable development between countries. There are many examples of collaboration implemented by Cuba in various countries of the South, with special attention to the social area.

Thanks to literacy methods such as Yo, Sí Puedo, implemented by Cuban collaborators in Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua, among other countries, thousands of Latin Americans and Caribbeans have emerged from the darkness of ignorance.

Cuba has alsomprovided significant assistance to the region and the world, in areas such as health, with tens of thousands of professionals deployed in all continents.

Actions also include the training of professionals both in Cuba and in their countries of origin, which has been widely recognised by the World Health Organisation.

The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, in his capacity as President Pro Tempore of the G-77 + China Group, has issued a call for the Summit of Heads of State and Government under the theme "Current Development Challenges: Role of Science, Technology and Innovation", on September 15 and 16, 2023, in Havana.Cuba assumed the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Group in January 2023, which was the first time that the Caribbean Island has led this negotiating bloc of developing countries and assumed the important commitment to consolidate the unity, presence and influence of the Group of 77 + China in the multiple and relevant multilateral processes to be held in 2023.

Although Cuba has never before chaired the Group, it has held the presidency of different Chapters: Geneva 2001 and 2010, Nairobi in 2005, Rome 1987 and 2001, with results recognised around the world.

In line with the principles of revolutionary diplomacy, the priority of Cuba's presidency has been to promote international solidarity and cooperation in support of post-pandemic recovery for the developing world.

During its presidency, Cuba has worked tirelessly, flexibly and constructively to implement the transformative vision advocated by the G77+China, and to advance the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda through real action.

Furthermore, Cuba has strongly supported a rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system based on the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries.

During this time, Cuba has conducted its work as President Pro Tempore in a flexible and constructive manner, based on the broadest consensus, to put into practice the transformative vision advocated by the Group of 77 + China.

Cuba has taken seriously its commitment to work for the aspirations of the South to be heard and taken into account and for the well-being of these peoples, which as a member country of the Group of 77 and China has always been a priority of its foreign policy.

At Cuba's request, the Group of 77+China presented the draft resolutions "Towards a new international economic order" and "Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries" in the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly, with the aim of strengthening mechanisms for political coordination within the group.

During this year, Cuba has hosted important events related to the G-77 + China, including the meetings of the Group's Ministers of Education, Culture and Tourism. Likewise, last July, the meeting of environment ministers and high-level authorities of the Group's member countries was held in Havana.

The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, in his capacity as President Pro Tempore of the G-77 + China Group, convened a Summit of Heads of State and Government under the theme "Current Development Challenges: Role of Science, Technology and Innovation", on 15 and 16 September 2023, in Havana.

The Cuban leader, in his call to the meeting, considered it a paradox that "science, technology, and innovation were at the forefront of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, while its benefits were unattainable for the most needy".

Changing this scenario, he stressed, requires building a fairer relationship and a truly democratic and inclusive order that privileges international solidarity and cooperation.

"The members of the Group of 77 and China, who together represent 80% of the world's population and more than two thirds of the membership of the United Nations, are urged to do just that," he added.

The G77 and China Summit will be a key forum for consultation in the run-up to the Sustainable Development Goals Summit in September this year and the Summit of the Future in 2024.

This Summit will assess the main challenges and core issues in the development of the nations of the South and the indispensable contribution of science, technology and innovation to sustainable development.

The Summit is an opportunity to work together for unity and decisive action by the countries of the South, which is essential to face present and future challenges.


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