JAMAICA | Stop the grumbling and Complaining Patterson Tells PNP Delegates
JAMAICA | Stop the grumbling and Complaining Patterson Tells PNP Delegates

KINGSTON, Jamaica, September 17, 2023- Former People's National Party (PNP) President PJ Patterson says the Party cannot afford to spend its precious time grumbling and complaining as “it will induce us into a constant state of frustration and depression.”

He  told delegates attending the  85th Anniversary Conference of the PNP that instead of bickering, the PNP must discuss and decide on “how we turn around the nation from heading over the precipice.”

Mr. Patterson said the PNP delegates must Draw a line in the sand and fight resolutely against corruption.

“This Conference must instruct the PNP to go further," he said.  –

(i) Formulate and publish a Code of Conduct to detect and punish corruption, nepotism and victimization.
(ii) No more one-week change to Constitutional provisions without even enquiring why there were age limits.
(iii) No abandonment of the Monarchy while remaining in the Monarch’s Court.  The Privy Council cannot remain our Final Court of Appeal,” Mr. Patterson declared.

He said the time had come to say not only what you have done, but what you will do, which was essential for the younger generation and the youth.

Patterson pointed to areas that he feels the PNP needs to tackle earnestly These include:

(i)  Climate change – which threatens us with extinction
(ii)  Urban Planning –People are entitled to privacy,Green spaces, as soon our mountain sides will be covered with houses – not trees.
(iii)  Policy on  Artificial Intelligence – way of the future. We cannot be insulated from it.
(iv)   STEAM – “In the reform of the curriculum, it is important to pay full attention to our history.  

The former prime minister told the PNP delegates that the economic indices were important referencing the recent Standards and Poors rep[ort on the economy, pointing out that it was Good and Necessary to reduce the national debt.

He pointed out that the change in the country’s economic fortunes came under the Portia Simpson Miller administration. “Sister P spent her social capital in reorganizing the economy and Dr. Peter Phillips as Finance Minister reorganized the economy. “he did that – all the heavy lifting, hence we now have a lighter burden.”  

We too encourage economic growth,” Patterson said." We no longer hear about 5 in 4. But even more so, We want economic development alongside the building of our human capital and lifting the standard of living for the ordinary citizen.”

He said it was time for the PNP to “extract from our recent policy document the elements

to constitute what is a Development Agenda. It has to embrace medium and small size enterprises; creative self-employment; innovative targeting of investment that will bring real transfer of technology and increase levels of productivity.

“It has to embrace medium and small size enterprises – creative self-employment – innovative targeting of investment that will bring real transfer of technology and increase levels of productivity.

The former PNP president challenged the party’s general secretary with building back the party’s traditional grass roots and middle class alliances which stayed home in the last elections “We need to seek them, find them and welcome them back home to their Party which is the first and best choice.” 

“Throughout the ages, whether in office or Opposition, the PNP has been recognized as the Party of progressive ideas which has the vision and capacity to build  a nation of social equity and justice for all –to tackle the real enemies of us all – the legacy of plantation slavery, poverty, hunger, ignorance and diseases.

 “Let us lead the way in building that participatory democracy in which the voices of our people are heard with respect and ensure the challenges we have faced  for centuries are finally overcome  by bold and resolute action”  Patterson concluded.


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