DIASPORA | Jamaican Clergy To Be Inducted Into Hall Of Prophets, Pentecostal Theological Seminary(Contributyed

PEMBROKE PINES, SOUTH FLORIDA. Friday, November 4, 2022 – Glowing tributes, commendations and congratulations are pouring in to the Davie Community Worship Center (DCWC), South Florida, for a beloved bishop, Dr. Fedlyn Beason and wife, Esmie, who will be inducted into the Hall of Prophets (HoP) of the Church of God (CoG) Pentecostal Theology Seminary, later this year.
The surprise announcement was made during the regular worship service at the DCWC, Pembroke Pines, Florida, on Sunday, October 9, by Elder Fred McLeod.
And since the announcement, the congregation has been busy with plans for the Hall of Prophets induction ceremony which will take place on Sunday, December 4, in the afternoon at the DCWC, with the top brass of the Pentecostal Seminary and invited guests from the faith-based community worldwide, in attendance.
“This is indeed a prestigious achievement worthy of commendation and is in recognition to the years of Christian service to the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ that Bishop has given,” offered Elder McLeod
According to a notice posted in the church bulletin, such an honor and recognition is reserved for ministers whose service to Jesus Christ and the Church of God has been meritorious.
The Hall of Prophets provides recognition and affirmation of worthy ministers.
A highly decorated and recognized clergy, Bishop Dr. Beason has been privileged to receive numerous awards, including a National Award for Outstanding Community Service from the Prime Minister of Jamaica, in 1998.
Bishop Fedlyn Arthniel Beason is a second-generation minister of the Gospel, son of the late Hartley Beason (farmer and authorized constable) and his wife, Therisa, of Croft’s Hill, Clarendon.
He was converted to Christianity at the age of fifteen (15), and began Christian service at age sixteen. His formal Christian ministry, which began with his first pastoral appointment, in 1962, spans more than fifty years and has been characterized as that of tenacity, visionary innovativeness, and consummate leadership.
After serving for many years as Local Pastor and District Overseer, he served as Administrative Bishop of the New Testament Church of God in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, for an unprecedented eight years (1990-1998).
In 1998, Bishop Beason was promoted to the position of Field Director for the Church of God Caribbean World Missions (overseeing 49 countries), where he gave 14 years of unprecedented service (1998–2012).
Currently, Bishop Beason is a registered family counselor, marriage officer, and Notary Public in the State of Florida, USA. He has been married for more than 50 years to Esmine, nee James, an educator.
He is a Church Growth Consultant, who works out of Florida, and continues pastoral ministry as founder and senior pastor for the Davie Community Worship Center, in South Florida, serving a decidedly Jamaican/Caribbean congregation.
He holds a Master of Literature (M.Litt.), degree from the European Theological Seminary (1995), and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), from said European Theological Seminary (1998).
Twice elected to the International Executive Council of the Church of God, Bishop Dr. Beason’s literary credits include, The Eschatological and Apocalyptic Realities of Pentecostalism; The Church, it’s Permanence & Stability and Life in the spirit, penned in the 1990s.
Dr. Beason is the father of two and a proud grandfather of four.
Meanwhile, a very important feature of the Hall of Prophets is the establishment of a scholarship in honor of the nominee(s), which will be a perpetual source of funding for students preparing for ministry at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.