GUYANA | Mark Benschop Files $100 Million Lawsuit Against "The Guyanese Critic" For Libel

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, April 23, 2024 - Social activist, Blogger and Managing Director of Benschop Radio 107.1FM, Mark Benschop, has filed a lawsuit against social media commentator and Government contractor Mikhail Rodrigues, popularly known as the “Guyanese Critic.”
The lawsuit, which was filed by Attorneys-at-Law: Mr. Roysdale A. Forde, S.C, and Ms. Sasha King, and is asking for damages in excess of $ GUY 100,000,000, for alleged libel committed by the respondent against the claimant defamation stemming from statements he made by Rodrigues on January 23, 2024, on a Facebook show named “Morning live with Critic.”
The court documents obtained by wiredja news reveal that Benschop accuses Rodrigues of disseminating defamatory remarks against him.
“The Respondent published or caused to be published defamatory statements made by the Respondent that portrayed the Claimant as having led “black people to their death in the office of the President compound”.
Rodrigues is alleged to have insinuated that Benschop played a role in leading individuals—particularly African Guyanese—to their demise within the confines of the President’s Compound.
The statements further suggested that Benschop deserved incarceration for life, and that he was unworthy of societal inclusion, labeling him as a criminal and a felon.
Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde,who represents Benschop is seeking (a) A mandatory Injunction compelling the Respondent to forthwith permanently remove the defamatory statements from the Internet through the Respondent’s Facebook social media forum.
Forde is also seeking on Benschop’s behalf, Exemplary Damages, Aggravated Damages and Interest at a rate of 6 % per annum from the date of filing to the date of Judgment and thereafter at a rate of 4 % per annum from the date of Judgment until fully paid, as well as costs and such further and or other Order as to the Court seems just
Represented by Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, Benschop contends that Rodrigues’ statements have caused irreparable damage to both his personal and professional reputation.

The gravity of the accusations has prompted Benschop to pursue legal recourse, seeking substantial damages to address the harm inflicted upon his personal and professional reputation as well as that of his family.
“As a result of the said defamatory statements and it dissemination, online and offline, by the Respondents, the Claimant’s personal and professional reputation and standing has been irreparably and severely damaged, lowered in the estimation of right-thinking members of society and the Claimant has suffered and continues to suffer financial injury, constant distress, humiliation, embarrassment, indignity, pain and suffering,” The filing said.
“The Claimant and his family have suffered and continue to suffer financial injury, constant grave distress, humiliation, embarrassment, indignity, pain and suffering,” the court filings concluded.