GUYANA | PNCR Chairman Holder apologises to former General Secretary Amna Ally

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, April 19, 2024 - People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) chairman Shurwayne Holder, has apologised to former General Secretary, Amna Ally, for publicly attacking her.
A post from Village Voice news indicated that Holder telephoned the party stalwart,and offered a full-throated apology. Speaking with Ally, She acknowledged speaking with Holder, and said he was “very contrite.”
Holder’s attack on Ally, included an assertion that she may no longer be a member of the Party and was now sympathetic to the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP). This has attracted widespread criticism from party supporters. Responding to Holder’s accusation, Ally pointed out that she joined the PNCR at age 14 and has been a member for more than 50 years.
The brouhaha has its genesis in Ally’s public support for Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, M.P, who recently announced his intent to compete against Aubrey Norton for leadership of the People’s National Congress Reform, PNCR.
Ally has communicated her displeasure with Party Leader Norton and his management executive, stating her unwillingness to support the party if he continues with his present style of leadership.
According to Ally, “Aubrey Norton’s style of leadership is undemocratic. He has demonstrated a lack of accountability in the Party by undermining and destroying various party structures and practices by which he can be held accountable.
This she said has effectively placed Norton as an autocratic leader with a CEC rendered ineffective and impotent.
It is generally believed that Holder has been acting on behalf of Norton in his social media tirade against Ally, particularly last Saturday’s post which caught many by surprise.
Ally has since fired back. She issued a statement noting that she sees no “need to respond to the allegations made by Comrade Holder to satisfy anyone.”
The party stalwart repeated her disapproval with Party Leader Aubrey Norton’s leadership and urged party supporters to fight for the party because it belongs to everyone.
Ally told supporters “Do not be dissuaded by threats or fears. If we want to take on the PPP, we must be able to clean our house and remove the hindrances to positions where they can better serve and be made to account.
The PNC is not Norton’s party. It’s not and never was a one race Party, and I will always be ready and willing to serve. I am just not prepared to ignore atrocities in government or in my party.”
Meanwhile, Village Voice News has been reliably informed party member Natasha Singh-Lewis M.P, wrote Norton requesting the party leadership convene a meeting soonest to address the public spat.
Singh-Lewis, in her letter, implored Norton to use his high office in the Party to take the necessary actions to ensure the discontinuation of the blatant disrespect being displayed in the public domain among party comrades and ensure the implementation of a plan of action to unite Party comrades. She has volunteered her expertise to move the process along.
Norton told the media the PNCR Biennial Delegates Congress is scheduled to be held on or before August 31, 2024.