GUYANA'S president to meet with US Congressional Black Caucus
GUYANA'S president to meet with US Congressional Black Caucus

WASHINGTON DC, September 13, 2023 - Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are scheduled to meet with Guyana's President, Irfaan Ali and a delegation from his cabinet on Thursday, September 14, in Washington DC.

The meeting is expected to address what has been described as president Ali’s administration’s racist policies as well as complaints of widespread racial discrimination against African Guyanese, among other issues.

Representatives of the African Guyanese population have repeatedly complained to the US government about racism and corruption in Guyana, and the regime’s systematic efforts to shut out Blacks from economic development.

Apart from racism and racial discrimination, the PPP regime’s abuse of the Guyana Police Force to target African Guyanese citizens and as well as the regime’s reckless and unlawful seizure of lands owned by African Guyanese will also be raised.

The Ali/Jagdeo administration is said to have been taking away lands legitimately owned and or acquired by Black people, falsely claiming that the owners purportedly violated land use rules. They then allegedly gave those lands to Bharrat Jagdeo's friends and business partners involved in CPL cricket.

The Guyana government delegation includes President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Foreign Minister Hugh Todd, Minister of Tourism and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond, Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud and Guyana Defense Force Chief of Staff Brigadier Omar Khan.

The Congressional Black Caucus is also scheduled to meet with the leadership of Guyana's Political Opposition.

The meeting between the Guyana President and members of the CBC, comes ahead of the Washington Conference on Guyana set for September 27-28 at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

This conference is being convened amidst concerns by the Guyanese diaspora that US policy on Guyana has not sufficiently promoted American values such as inclusive governance, inclusive growth; equal justice; social equality and sustainable development for all Guyanese.

Vice President Jagdeo told  a recent  press conference in Georgetown, Guyana's capital City, that he and his government are opposed to the Washington DC Conference on Guyana.

This, despite the fact that the keynote address will be delivered by Democratic Leader in the United States House of Representatives, Hon. Hakeem Jeffries.

The conference is expected to be attended by  high-level Biden Administration officials and several individuals and organizations from Guyana and the diaspora will make presentations at the conference. 

The organizers say among the concerns which precipitated the conference, include allegations that the government is not using oil and gas revenues equitably for the benefit and upliftment of all Guyanese. 

They say Billions of dollars in Government contracts mostly go to the ethnic supporters of the East Indian led and dominated People’s Progressive Party, the PPP and the government they lead.

The organizers say the prevailing view in Guyana and the diaspora is that the US government is unbothered that racial discrimination and racism appear to drive PPP government policies and practices. 


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