GUYANA | Walton Desir lashes PPP Government for being out of touch with the people's reality

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, September 1, 2023 - Opposition member of parliament Amanza Walton Desir, has lashed out at the PPP administration for their lack-luster and lame economic policies which she said were out of touch with the reality of ordinary Guyanese.
In a passionate address to the Parliament, the opposition MP who is also shadow minister of foreign affairs, delivered a scathing critique of the current government’s economic policies, accusing them of being out of touch with the struggles of the ordinary Guyanese citizens.
In a fiery delivery to the National Assembly, Walton Desir said the PPP’s formula for developing Guyana was not working and highlighted the lack of positive impact felt by the common man in the face of an allegedly booming economy.
“Your plan for developing this country is not working, Mr. Speaker, and they’re out of touch with the ordinary man.” She emphasized that the purported rapid economic growth, about which the government proudly boasts, has not translated into tangible benefits for the average Guyanese citizen.”
“The nurses are still waiting for a proper salary increase. Teachers are still waiting for a proper salary increase. Mr. Speaker, they love to present themselves as the champions of the joint services, but you have men and women who serve in uniform, who have to drive at night as taxi drivers and food delivery men to supplement the meager income. The people of Guyana have nothing to celebrate,” Walton-Desir declared.
She pointed out that when you walk the road, one can observe that the average Guyanese “is of a broken spirit,” quoting the Guyanese poet Martin Carter, that “everywhere men’s faces are strained and anxious.”
The Opposition Member of Parliament drew attention to the fact that despite claims of visible development, the average citizen is burdened by financial strain.
Desir criticized the lack of progress in improving the quality of life for the majority, citing alarming statistics. “In this economy, 51% of citizens are living below the poverty line,” she revealed.
During the Coalition’s term, the minimum wage underwent a significant transformation. 2015 saw a mammoth increase of 26%, 10% in 2016, 9% in 2017, and 8% in 2018, which demonstrated the coalition administration’s commitment to improving the financial well-being of the working class.
A 2017 DPI report stated that the PPP administration took 9 years to move minimum wage by just over 50% – from $26,070 in 2006 to $39,540.”
In contrast, the Coalition government increased the minimum wage from $39,540 to $70,000 in one year. According to the DPI report, “this remarkable increase is noted as the highest in Guyana’s history”
Desir concluded her passionate speech by stating that “the PPP must tell the Guyanese people their plan to help citizens give themselves three square meals a day and how they can enjoy a good quality of life where they know that when they work, their bills will be paid and they don’t work 3 or 4 jobs just to eke out a living, then the people of Guyana are going to take you seriously”
Walton- Desir concluded her fiery delivery with a strong warning to the government :“You will pay for your arrogance because just like the people in 2015 spoke against you, they will speak against you again come 2025.”
Source: Village Voice News