JAMAICA | US Navy's NCIS joins Murder investigation of Paulwell's 10 month old Child and 27 year old mother

MONTEGO BAY, October 17, 2023 - The US Navy’s Criminal Investigative Service, NCIS, has joined the investigation of the murder of 10-month-old Sarayah Paulwell and her mother 27-year-old Toshyna Patterson.

The matter is currently under investigation by Jamaican authorities and the Navy Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS).”
The military publication revealed that “Bradshaw joined the Navy in 2020, according to her service record provided to Task & Purpose.
After boot camp and Culinary ‘A’ School at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia (formerly Fort Lee), Bradshaw was assigned for nine months to Electronic Attack Squadron 134 at Whidbey Island, Washington, a unit that flies the F/A-18 Growler.
She transferred to a Naval Reserve center in Miami in June 2021 and to the Talent Acquisition Group two months later.”
"The Navy did not clarify her status as active duty or her day-to-day duties in Miami. Though Jamaican media has referred to Bradshaw as “Naval Officer” or “Petty Officer,” her service record indicates she was a Culinary Specialist Seaman in the E-3 pay grade, a rank generally commensurate with her reported time in service," Task and Purpose said.
Last Friday, Leoda Bradshaw, Leoda Bradshaw, a US Navy cook assigned to a Miami recruiting unit, and with whom Member of Parliament for East Kingston and Port Royal, Phillip Paulwell sired a now eight-year-old child, appeared in the Supreme Court, after being charged with two counts of conspiracy to kidnap, two counts of conspiracy to murder, two counts of kidnapping, and two counts of capital murder.
According to the Crown, Bradshaw, after learning about the existence of Paulwell's 10-month-old daughter on September 5, 2023, contacted Patterson on Facebook and informed her that she was Paulwell's spouse and advised Patterson that a DNA test should be done to determine the paternity of the child.
The prosecution said, Bradshaw, who lives overseas, travelled to Jamaica the very next day, September 6, 2023 "for the sole purpose of killing Toshyna Patterson and the young child she shared with her spouse."
The Crown also alleged that Bradshaw, through her cousin and co-accused Roland Balfour, contracted men to kidnap and murder Patterson and Sarayah.

According to prosecutors, Bradshaw met with Miller and Brown to arrange for the kidnappings and murders. The original plan was to kidnap Patterson and the baby from their home. Bradshaw, prosecutors told the court, paid the men the equivalent of J$100,000 in United States currency as down payment for the execution of the crime. The remainder of the funds ($400,000) was to be paid after the completion of the deal.
Prosecutors said that on Saturday, September 9, Bradshaw "placed several calls and conversed with Patterson, with a view to lure her away from her premises".
She afterwards arrived at Patterson's home at approximately 7:00 am that day.
"Evidentiary material shows Patterson exiting her premises and entering an SUV parked at her gate, along with her baby. Evidentiary material shows that she remained in this vehicle for over 15 minutes.
The vehicle then drove off and left the area approximately 7:22 am. Patterson and Sarayah never exited the vehicle prior to its leaving," the prosecutor told presiding Supreme Court judge, Justice Simone Wolfe-Reece on Friday.
The Crown's case is that Bradshaw took Patterson to Stony Hill in the vicinity of the home where she, Bradshaw, was staying, handed over Patterson and her young child to Brown and other individuals who are yet to be apprehended.
"After this, Patterson and her young child were taken to Wareika Hills where they were shot and killed and their bodies burned," the court was told.
Phillip Paulwell, has condemned what he describes as the ‘unimaginable’ murder of his 10-month-old daughter Sarayah, and her mother 27-year-old Toshyna Patterson.

However, Paulwell said nothing could have prepared him for the events that unfolded since last week Thursday.
"I am heartbroken that the worst has happened," he said, adding that he had "prayed unceasingly" for their safe return.
"That anyone could murder a mother and an innocent baby is unimaginable, and my heart is heavy with sadness," said Mr Paulwell.
"I am praying for Toshyna's family, who I know are experiencing the unbearable grief and pain of losing their beloved daughter and granddaughter.
As a human being, father, lawyer, and legislator I am hoping that all who were involved are brought to justice and punished to the fullest extent of the law."
"I cannot comment on the investigations nor matters before the court, but I wish to thank the police for their tireless work," he said, and expressed gratitude to the "many Jamaicans" who have been generous in their prayers as well as their "kind and thoughtful expressions of love, support, and solidarity" for him and his family.
The East Kingston and Port Royal MP said he has been in constant dialogue with the police and has cooperated fully with the investigation.
The police believe they located the burnt remains of the mother and daughter in a section of east Kingston last week.