JAMAICA | Opposition Leader Mark Golding Makes Bold Patriotic Move for Jamaica's Future

KINGSTON, Jamaica, July 1, 2024 - In a stirring display of patriotism and dedication to Jamaica's future, Opposition Leader Mark Golding has voluntarily renounced his British citizenship, affirming his unwavering commitment to building a stronger, more inclusive nation.
Golding, born and raised in Jamaica, has spent his entire life working for the betterment of his homeland. It's important to note that Golding's British citizenship was acquired by descent from his father, Professor the Hon. Sir John Golding OJ, who came to Jamaica from the United Kingdom. This citizenship was not attained by Golding declaring allegiance to Britain, and his citizenship status has always been in full compliance with Jamaican laws.
In a recent announcement, Golding emphasized that while his dual citizenship status was legally sound, he chose to take this significant step to focus the national conversation on pressing issues facing the country.
"I love Jamaica with all my heart," Golding declared. "By making this choice, I'm not just following the letter of the law, but embracing the spirit of what it means to be Jamaican. We have urgent challenges to address, and I want every Jamaican to know that my allegiance is solely to our beautiful island and its people."
The move comes in response to a recent poll indicating that a significant portion of Jamaicans believe political leaders should hold only Jamaican citizenship. Golding's decision demonstrates his responsiveness to public sentiment and his commitment to transparent, accountable leadership.
While acknowledging the important historical and familial connections many Jamaicans share with other Commonwealth nations, Golding stressed the need for unity in tackling the nation's most pressing issues. He called for a renewed focus on improving healthcare, education, social infrastructure, and addressing crime and violence.
"We're at a critical juncture in our nation's history," Golding stated. "It's time to harness the talent and passion of all Jamaicans, both at home and abroad, to create the prosperous, equitable Jamaica we all envision."
Golding's bold move has been met with widespread approval, with many seeing it as a refreshing example of a leader putting country before personal interests. As Jamaica continues to navigate the challenges of the 21st century, Golding's action serves as a powerful reminder of the strength that comes from national unity and shared purpose.
The Opposition Leader concluded his announcement with an inspiring call to action: "Together, we can build a Jamaica that lives up to its full potential – a land of opportunity, justice, and prosperity for all. Let's move forward as one people, united in our love for this great nation."
As Jamaica looks to the future, Mark Golding's patriotic gesture sets a new standard for leadership and national commitment, promising a renewed focus on the issues that matter most to Jamaicans.
The following is the full text of Mark Golding's letter to the people of Jamaica:
"Letter to the People of Jamaica"
"Dear Fellow Jamaicans,
Today, I address you on a matter of personal significance and national importance—my decision to retain solely my Jamaican citizenship, and to renounce my British citizenship.
1. Legitimacy of Commonwealth Citizenship:
Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that having citizenship of a Commonwealth country is required under our Constitution. This provision recognizes the historical and familial connections that many Jamaicans, including myself, share with other Commonwealth nations.
I am a Jamaican citizen and have a Jamaican passport. I was born in Jamaica, I grew up in Jamaica and I have worked my entire life here. I have always acted with Jamaica’s best interests at heart. I have sworn allegiance to Jamaica, and to Jamaica alone.
My father, Professor the Hon. Sir John Golding OJ, came to Jamaica from the United Kingdom, and I also acquired that citizenship by descent. My citizenship status has always been in full compliance with our laws.
2. Constitutional Reform:
In a democratic society, it is important that our laws reflect the collective will and evolving values of the Jamaican people. The question of eligibility requirements for political leaders is important, and should be addressed comprehensively as part of the ongoing constitutional reform process.
That discussion should recognize that as many Jamaicans live overseas as live here, that our economy and society are deeply reliant on the support of Jamaicans overseas, and that we need talent and participation drawn from the entire Jamaican family to tackle our nation’s challenges in the pursuit of national development.
3. Respecting Public Sentiment:
Based on a scientific poll that we recently commissioned, I am aware that, while not an overwhelming majority, a significant percentage of our population believes that political leaders and other holders of high national office should hold only Jamaican citizenship.
My father was a great servant of the Jamaican people. I love him dearly. He has always been a moral compass in my life, and I remain proud of his legacy of service, especially to persons with disabilities."
"Nevertheless, as someone putting myself forward to the people of Jamaica for high office, I have decided to ensure that my citizenship is not a matter of concern to those who feel strongly that persons holding high office in Jamaica should be Jamaican citizens only.
4. Avoiding Distractions:
Moreover, I do not wish this matter to be used as a distraction by an unpopular government that has lost the trust and confidence of a majority of the Jamaican people. We must focus on the pressing issues facing our nation, and solutions to give a better quality of life to our people.
The current administration's dismal failures in healthcare, education, social infrastructure, and the persistent problem of crime and violence, need our undivided attention and collective effort to address.
It is also crucial to focus on and tackle the corruption, mismanagement, nepotism, and waste that have unfortunately characterized the current Government. These issues must remain at the forefront of our national discourse.
5. Unwavering Commitment:
By renouncing British citizenship when it is not a legal or constitutional requirement to do so, I demonstrate and reiterate my unwavering commitment to Jamaica.
At a time when we must focus on the critical challenges facing our Nation, it also eliminates a potential distraction that political opponents have grasped at in the face of electoral defeat.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Let us remain united in our efforts to build a stronger, more inclusive Jamaica.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Golding"