JAMAICA | P.J. Patterson hails the life of Island Rent-a Car founder, Michael Campbell,CD
JAMAICA | P.J. Patterson hails the life of Island Rent-a Car founder, Michael Campbell,CD

KINGSTON, Jamaica  September 15, 2023 - Former Jamaican prime Minister PJ Patterson has hailed entrepreneur, the late Mr. Michael Campbell as a person who had a deep  commitment to  the  burgeoning  Jamaican business landscape.

Campbell, who passed away last week, was best known as the founder  of Island Car Rentals and a benefactor of Jamaica College.

The following is the full text of Mr. Patterson’s tribute to Mr. Michael Campbell.

Tribute to Mr. Michael Campbell

The loss suffered by all Jamaica last week in the  passing of Mr. Michael Campbell, CD, removes from our landscape – a gentle giant, a  tireless entrepreneur who worked assiduously  across an increasingly widening business and civic arenas, to build and benefit  the nation of his  birth.

Born into an entrepreneurial  Kingston family in  1931, he  completed his  early education at Jamaica  College, before  going on to  University in  Canada.

Former Jamaican prime minister, P. J. PattersonHis alma mater – was to remain the life long beneficiary of  his  support, at many levels, from  steady  financial support to decade long  levels  of  personal time, committed to mentorship of the  fifth form  students.

His unswerving  loyalty to his  alma mater was to earn him the  2020 outstanding   J.C. Old  Boy Award – just one of the  many accolades  garnered in the field of service,  philanthropy  and  community building. 

When Michael Campbell  returned from Concordia  (then Sir George William University) with a degree in business and accounting,  he immediately embarked on a variety of business ventures,  across wide ranging  fields - real  estate, commerce.  The founding  of Island Car Rentals in 1973 marked his entry into Tourism.

Michael Campbell’s deep  commitment to  the  burgeoning  Jamaican business landscape, led him to  take on widening and long term   leadership  at the top ranks  of industry. 

Throughout  his career,  his creed  was two  fold  - “service to  country” and  “never give up”.  he was fond of printing the latter  slogan  out , and handing it with a quiet chuckle,  to staff members and  friends alike.

 He variously  served  as president of  the Jamaica Car Rental Association, and Director of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, the Real Estate Board  - as an adroit negotiator and regulator of  "best practice" across  the  many  positions held.

But it  was his astute  stewardship  of the  company he led  until his  death – Island Car Rentals – that  transformed the potential of the  Tourism  Industry  – first in  Jamaica and then across the Caribbean. He ensured it became a major pillar for the tremendous growth of Tourism by the high quality of service it provided to our visitors and local customers alike.

The Company he  built, from a mere  5 used vehicles  in  1973  - has  won consistent top awards and accolades.   Island Car Rentals  has grown   to a major player in the tourism sector and today  boasts a fleet of  1,500 vehicles with five branches.  The  last  high award was handed out in St Lucia this month.

Mr. Campbell’s personal care and  nurturing  of his large, diverse staff, his  exacting high  standards – were exquisitely combined to ensure the steady professional development and  successful careers of his large  Jamaican and Caribbean  workforce.  He was rewarded  by their  devotion,  and assiduous work.

An intensely private  person , Michael Campbell  was also a deep lover of things  Jamaican.  He was an all-rounder, playing  representational sports  water polo, football and  swimming  for his high  school.  Despite his demanding professional career, he  found  time to enjoy his passion for a wide cross section of  sports,  from backgammon and dominoes  to sailing, fishing and  bird shooting.  

His quiet but consistent support for the arts  of  Jamaica during four decades, has laid  the foundation for  further professional career development of those who love  the creative arts.  

As Patron of the Mona  Campus in this  its 75th year, I am delighted to acknowledge that his generosity and  patronage continues to nurture our University and  our future in a most profound way.

For many  years I have  had the privilege  of a shared friendship. I will miss his gentle  humorous  conversations, grounded in a mutual  respect and passion for  our beloved  homeland.

His best tribute lies  in the many  lives he has touched, helped to grow and flourish to their fullest  potential,  thereby enriching  both  themselves and  Jamaica.

May his soul rest in peace.

PJ Patterson

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