JAMAICA | PJ Patterson Institute Touts Africa-CARICOM Day - Sept 7, 2023

KINGSTON, Jamaica, September 5, 2023 - The Caribbean community and the African Union have partnered to increase contact between both Regions, to enhance the appreciation of shared history, cultures and to collaboratively chart a partnerships on matters of Trade and investment promotion, development finance, climate change, mass media, forging increased people-to-people contact and strengthening multilateralism among others.
Last year, Barbados convened the first Africa-Caribbean Trade and Investment Forum, under the theme ‘One People. One Destiny. Uniting and Reimagining Our Future.’ Fifty African and 13 Caribbean countries were represented there. The second investment forum will be held in Guyana later this year.
On 7 September 2021, Heads of Government of Africa and the Caribbean Community came together, for the first time, in a specially designed CARICOM – African Union Summit to allow both Regions to engage on matters of mutual interest and determine the direction for deeper cooperation.
In commemoration of Africa-CARICOM Day, The PJ Patterson Institute for Africa Caribbean Public Advocacy invites public participation in the first Africa CARICOM Day Seminar at the Regional Headquarters of the University of the West Indies on September 7, 2023 at 9:30 EST, which will be broadcast on UWITV and CARICOM YouTube and Facebook channels:-

The PJ Patterson Institute for Africa Caribbean Public Advocacy strongly supports the opportunity it presents for activities geared at greater African and Caribbean unity.
The Caribbean and the African continent share a similar history of an oppressive, exploitative experience. In our most recent history of Independence, CARICOM and Africa were supportive of each other and drew inspiration from the works of individuals that advocated freedom and instilled the hopes of the Right Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey, who declared, “Africa for the Africans at home or abroad.”
Since our independence, CARICOM and The AU nations have had many fora within which their representatives have discussed and made several agreements, such as the African, Caribbean and the Pacific Group of States since the 1970s.
The CARICOM AU Summit of 2021 the most significant for present and future cooperation and unification. The spheres for cooperation in education, tourism, technology and knowledge exchange, economic transformation, governance, and the creative industries are many and prospects of rewards so great that it is more than time that an entrenchment is made for this purpose.
In support of Africa Caricom Day, The PJ Patterson Institute for Africa Caribbean Public Advocacy will be collaborating with the Office of the Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies and it’s entities, The Office of Global Affairs and The Centre for Reparation Research, to host the first Africa CARICOM Day Seminar at the Regional Headquarters of the University of the West Indies on September 7, 2023 at 9:30 EST, which will be broadcast on UWITV and CARICOM YouTube and Facebook channels.
The public is invited to watch and participate from wherever you are on the African continent, in the Caribbean or in the Diaspora in this seminal event that will feature participation from the Vice Chancellor of the UWI, Sir Hilary Beckles; Statesman in Residence at the PJ Patterson Institute for Africa Caribbean Public Advocacy, The Most Honourable PJ Patterson, The Secretary General of CARICOM, noted academics and public officials and student leaders.
The PJ Patterson Institute for Africa Caribbean Public Advocacy is committed to the cause of building bridges between nations and the people of the AU and CARICOM to engage in activities which will promote a truly symbolic relationship.
This seminar is intended to be a building block in the process of forging unity between our nations and people.
P.J. Patterson
September 1, 2023