UNITED STATES Representative Yvette Clarke introduces Congressional bill to recognise Bob Marley's Birthday

WASHINGTON DC, February 13, 2024 - Jamaican-American Congresswoman Yvette Clarke has introduced a bill in the United States House of Representatives, asking the Congress to recognize the legacy of legendary reggae artist Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Nesta Marley.
The resolution says :
Whereas each year on February 6, the life and legacy of Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Nesta Marley, singer, songwriter, and global civil and human rights advocate is celebrated;
And Whereas Marley’s musical talents inspired generations and encouraged individuals of all ages, races, ethnic backgrounds, and walks of life;
And Whereas Marley’s music encompassed themes of love, peace, unity, empowerment, and continues to resonate and uplift people all over the world:
And Whereas Marley today is known as a cultural icon and credited as being one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century;
And Whereas, in 1978, Marley was awarded the Peace Medal of the Third World by the United Nations, for his work to end social unrest in Jamaica;
Now, therefore, be it noted that That the House of Representatives acknowledges the life and impact of the legendary Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Nesta Marley on his 79th birthday.
The following is the full text of the Resolution: