FITCuba 2022 will define Cuba’s tourism projection

HAVANA, Apr 29 (Prensa Latina) - The 40th International Tourism Fair of Cuba (FITCuba 2022) to be held next week in the beach resort of Varadero will define the direction of the recreational industry in Cuba, organizers said here.
Spokesmen from the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) expressed optimism in the recovery of this sector in order to solve the country’s economic problems and move along a sustainable path.
FITCuba (May 3 to 7, Plaza America, Varadero) is not only the main fair of its kind in Cuba, but also in the Caribbean, it has attracted the attention of tour operators and travel agents, especially in Europe and Canada.
This event, held in the seaside resort of the western province of Matanzas, is a symbol of the sustainable reactivation of this type of activity in Cuba.
The Mintur refers this is undoubtedly an opportunity to share with all partners the novelties of the destination.
The message indicates that the conference will begin with a pre-event called For a tourism for all generations, which aims to exchange best practices at the international level; it is a sign of commitment to the present and future of the activity.
They add that for the first time a program under the name Discover Cuba will be promoted, aimed at attracting the attention of operators who are not yet familiar with the destination.
This initiative will bring together potential investors, airlines, hotel groups and traditional tour operators, but especially from markets that Cuba has not yet explored.
Local authorities are convinced it will be a very profitable experience to strengthen the sector.
Inside the Plaza America Fairgrounds, organizers reserved space for the FitCuba MICE Expo, aimed at promoting Cuba as a destination for events and incentives.