JAMAICA | The Manning’s School Class of 1982 Awards Multiple Scholarships
JAMAICA | The Manning’s School Class of 1982 Awards Multiple Scholarships

NEW YORK, New York Nov 3, 2022,  (Submitted by Mannings's School Class of 1982): In a display of commitment to student success and academic achievement, the Scholarship Committee of the Manning’s School Class of 1982 Benevolent Trust awarded eight scholarships to graduating fifth formers on Thursday, October 27, 2022.

The scholarships have paved the way for the students to pursue studies in the lower sixth form, thereby preparing them to pursue careers spanning the fields of medicine, engineering, nursing, teaching, law, accounting, and entrepreneurship.

Scholarship Committee Members Carol Newman and Consuelo Ricketts award scholarships to Morgan Foster and Dayne Williams.-Photo Credit: Mr. I. Pearce.The scholarship recipients, some of whom were joined by their parents, formally accepted the scholarships during a special ceremony at the school’s Victor Lowe STEM and Administrative Building.

In addressing the gathering, Scholarship Committee Member Ms. Newman charged the students to remember their roots and pay it forward. “Never forget your struggles, and the sacrifice your parents are making for you. Give back to others so that they, too, have an opportunity to succeed,” she said.

Scholarship recipients pose with Scholarship Committee Members Carol Newman (l), Consuelo Ricketts (r) and Guidance Counselors Mr. Ikula Pearce (2nd left) and Mrs. Paula Hall-Bedassie (2nd right).Principal Gordon did not restrain his joy. “I commend the class of 1982 for these generous scholarships. There are many past students but not all of them give back,” he said to thunderous applause.

Scholarship Committee Member Mrs. Ricketts, who spoke to some of the award recipients and their parents, admits to being incredibly touched by the event. “My heart experiences a flood of joy as I noticed how impactful these scholarships have been on both the students and parents,” she remarked.

Class of 1982 Group Founder & Scholarship Committee Member Carmen GloverThe scholarships resulted from conversations between Mrs. Hall-Bedassie and the Manning’s Class of 1982 Scholarship Committee. Initially, one scholarship was considered. However, as the deliberation process got underway, it became clear that the need, coupled with the students’ stellar performance on their Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, warranted a more robust investment.

“Our vision is to continue to make a huge difference in our alma mater, Manning’s School, by rewarding well-rounded students in first, fifth and sixth forms who excel in their exams, participate in the school community and are experiencing serious financial hardship,” said Scholarship Committee Chair Peter James. “We are happy for our successes so far and we are excited about our auspicious plans for next year.”

Scholarship Committee & Finance Chair, Peter JamesThe Manning’s School Class of 1982 group was created by Scholarship Committee Member Carmen Glover in July 2022, with the aim of planning regional mini reunions, organizing a grand reunion in 2023 to coincide with the school’s 285th anniversary, and to provide opportunities for current students to thrive.

Steps are underway to formalize the group’s status into a trust, and the group’s leadership team is committed to fiscal discipline and transparency.

The group is hard at work, planning various fundraising events to support more students and initiatives at Manning’s School.

Scholarship Committee Member Carol Newman acknowledges Guidance Counselor Mrs. Paula Hall-Bedassie.The event was well attended by the entire sixth form cohort; Principal Mr. Steve Gordon; Vice Principals Mrs. S. Thorpe and Mrs. F. Vassell-Kerr; Guidance Counselors Mrs. Paula Hall-Bedassie and Mr. Ikula Pearce, Year Supervisor Miss S. Frith and Academic Dean Mrs. D. Bailey-Johnson.

Scholarship Committee Members Ms. Carol Newman and Mrs. Consuelo Ricketts attended the event in-person, while Committee Chair Mr. Peter James and Committee Member Ms. Carmen Glover participated via zoom with a contingent of alumni that included former Head Boy Oral Khan.

Entertainment was provided by the school’s performing arts group.

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