JAMAICA | PNP's Frazer-Binns Flays Andrew Holness' hypocrisy at COP26

KINGSTON, Jamaica, November 3, 2021 :- People’s National Party Shadow Minister of Land Environment & Climate Change Sophia Frazer-Binns says there are grave inconsistencies between the words of Prime Minister Andrew Holness on the world stage and his actions at home. This, she says is quite stark and should concern us all.

She says Holness is demanding international climate action and financing, while destroying Jamaica’s vital forest reserves, mature mangroves, overturning NEPA’s decisions, and failing to agree on an acceptable mining buffer zone among other things.
“The Government is yet to achieve the delicate balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability even in the face of the unprecedented climate crisis.” stated Senator Binns.
We need more than words, she lamented:
- We need Climate Justice for mining communities, many of whom are still displaced and without titles.
- We need climate action to protect the cockpit country
Jamaica requires our Prime Minister to lead with actions not words. As a Small Island Developing State, our Prime Minister must lead the charge in preserving one of our greatest economic and social assets: our environment.
This she said is even as we support international demands for the worst polluters to move towards NetZero emissions and deliver on the 100 Billion yearly funding promised.