JAMAICA | 72 Murders in 17 days - PNP Demand More ZOSOs, Rebuffs Holness
JAMAICA | 72 Murders in 17 days - PNP Demand More ZOSOs, Rebuffs Holness

KINGSTON, Jamaica: The People’s National Party says it is  alarmed by the sharp increase in murders since the start of the new year. With just 17 days into the new year, we have already recorded 72 murders, only 9 of which have been cleared up. This represents an increase of 24% from 2021 and a rate of four Jamaicans being slaughtered per day. 

The Opposition is extremely concerned by the Prime Minister’s failure to  address the issue of crime in Jamaica. His administration, specifically the Minister of National Security, has failed to deliver a sustainable crime control and prevention plan notwithstanding the drastic increase in our national security budget. Instead, the Prime Minister has resorted  to shallow political scapegoatism by blaming the Opposition for his administration's abject failure at keeping our citizens safe. 

In a recent press conference, the Prime Minister expressed his confidence in the failing Minister of National Security, Dr. Horace Chang despite the continuous public outcry over Chang’s retention of his ministerial portfolio. 

The Opposition will not allow the current Andrew Holness led administration to continue to gaslight Jamaicans with empty symbolism, PR stunts and feigning empathy. The Opposition has, on several occasions, indicated our willingness to cooperate in the fight against crime  and has provided numerous recommendations on how to address the security issue in both the short-term and long-term.  

On Sunday January 23, 2022, the National Executive Council of the People’s National Party will have its first meeting of the new year. Urgent on our agenda, will be the issue of addressing crime and violence in the most volatile communities. We will consider whether the incumbent Minister and Commissioner of Police have lost the confidence of the public and whether they must be replaced.

The Opposition is again calling for the establishment of Zones of Special Operations in all hot spots across Jamaica where violent crime is getting progressively worse. The situation has been out of control for a very long time now. We cannot allow the Prime Minister to throw in the towel on a solution to crime simply because SOEs have been ruled unconstitutional by the courts. We must utilize all the other tools at our disposal to urgently arrest the situation. 

The People’s National Party is committed to supporting law enforcement tactics that save lives and promote the preservation of the rights and liberties of our people. We put people first.


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