JAMAICA | Campaign to Exonerate Marcus Garvey moves into High Gear with Letter from Heads of Gov't and Petition from Region
JAMAICA | Campaign to Exonerate Marcus Garvey moves into High Gear with Letter from Heads of Gov't and Petition from Region

KINGSTON, Jamaica, January 27, 2022 - The P.J. Patterson Centre for African-Caribbean Advocacy is throwing its full weight behind the decades-old campaign for the posthumous exoneration of Rt. Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey with letters to President Biden from CARICOM Heads and public petitions from member states.

In a letter addressed to all CARICOM  Heads of State and Government, the Centre has invoked their endorsement by three specific steps:

  • A letter co-signed by all Heads addressed directly to President Biden invoking his assent to the petition;
  • Launching in each Member State a public appeal for 100,000 signatories to the petition, which transcends partisan political boundaries;
  • To extend their outreach through all Regional Institutions and Organisations via the CARICOM Secretariat and externally through their Embassies and Consulates located in countries where the Caribbean Diaspora reside.

It should be generally known that signatories are not confined to citizens or residents in The United States.  This is a global campaign and the more persons above the age of 18 who subscribe, the more effective will the petition prove.

Former Jamaican Prime Minister and head of the P.J. Patterson Centre for African-Caribbean Advocacy, Percival J. Patterson.The Pursuit to obtain a posthumous exoneration must be unrelenting at this time when the struggle to obtain equal rights and justice must confront and conquer the insistence of those Racists who are determined to deny voting equality which is the bedrock of any democracy. 

Marcus Garvey was a heroic pioneer in the fight against racial inequality. This is a most propitious time for his long overdue posthumous exoneration.

The Centre makes an urgent plea -

“Let our voices be heard loud and strong on the Continent, across the Caribbean Sea and throughout our Diaspora as one in this plea, for the tenets of justice demand it”, said the Centre in its appeal.

Head of the Marcus Garvey Institute has conveyed his deep appreciation of the Centre’s support in the global campaign to obtain a minimum of 100,000 signatories to the petition.   Dr Julius Garvey has announced -

“We can be contacted and followed at our website – justice4garvey.org.   The following will be posted there on February 1st to sign the petition at contactus/the whitehouse.

The link for the signatories will be posted on February 1st and the campaign conducted throughout Black History Month until March 2. 


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