JAMAICA |  National Campaign to Find Illegal Weapons to Be Launched
JAMAICA | National Campaign to Find Illegal Weapons to Be Launched

National Incentivised Campaign to Find Illegal Weapons to Be Launched

KINGSTON,  Jamaica, January 31, 2022 - The government has proposed that it will be providing significant incentives to members of the public who share information leading to the recovery of illegal weapons. To this end a dedicated fund will be set up to provide cash rewards to persons sharing information,  in addition to greater support for the development of human intelligence sources.

This was one of several recomendations to emanate from the first meeting for the year of Friday's National Security Council (NSC).  Prime Minister Andrew Holness used the occasion to welcome the new Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security, Zavia Mayne, the new Attorney General, Dr. Derrick McKoy, CD, and the new Chief of Defence Staff, Rear Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman, CD.

The Council was informed of the continued joint operations by the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Defence Force in major crime hotspots. Operational reports on the detailed actions were received from the Commissioner of Police, Major General Antony Anderson as well as the new Chief of Defence Staff, Rear Admiral Wemyss-Gorman. An update on the current seven Zones of Special Operations (ZOSOs) was given by both heads.

The National Security Council agreed on the development of a national campaign against illegal guns and gangs. The campaign will be across all media platforms and will seek the support of all stakeholders. Young men will be the key demographic target of the campaign. The objective of the campaign will be to educate the population on the dangers of illegal guns, dissuade persons from dealing, trafficking, procuring, possessing and using illegal guns.

There will be a significant public education component on the new Firearms Act and the penalties that will be applied to persons involved with illegal weapons.   Additionally, it was agreed that significant incentivises should be provided to the public to share information leading to the recovery of illegal weapons. To this end a dedicated fund will be provisioned to support established channels of information sharing in addition to greater support for the development of human intelligence sources.

Chairman of the NSC, Prime Minister Andrew Holness told the members of the Council that the public must be fully engaged and encouraged to give information on illegal activities, particularly on illegal guns.

The legislative agenda to fight crime was also a major point of discussion at Friday’s NSC Meeting, with the Council establishing tight timelines for the tabling in Parliament, of major crime fighting bills including the Firearms Act and the Bail Act.

Discussions were also had about regional security matters which are currently being monitored by the JDF.

Also addressed at the meeting was the protection of Jamaica’s cyberspace. The Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA), informed the Council of recent ransomware attacks and enhanced strategies being used to address this.

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