GUYANA | It’s Bharrat who will go missing…from heaven or …? says Lincoln Lewis

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, April 8, 2024 - Today I make time to address Bharrat Jagdeo’s statement about me at his press conference, two Thursdays ago, where he thought he could have besmirched my character.
Jagdeo’s weekly press conferences are nothing more than press circuses with him presiding in the role as Chief Clown, having fun mocking the nation and trivializing serious issues.
According to him, ‘if Lincoln Lewis is placed in heaven things will go missing.’ Let me assure him, Lincoln Lewis does not have a record of criminality or hide behind political office to escape the arms of the law.
In other societies what Jagdeo has done to this nation he would be a prisoner of the state. He knows that too and his fear of being placed behind bars, justifiably so, sees him imposing himself on this nation as the de-facto president in his delusional third term. But our elders would say, the longest rope has an end.
Under Jagdeo’s leadership Guyana was ranked the most corrupt country in the English-speaking Caribbean by Transparency International. This country had a short period where efforts were made to reduce corruption under the David Granger/Moses Nagamootoo government.
All that has gone to naught under the Irfaan Ali/Bharrat Jagdeo regime. What this nation must note is that Jagdeo is the common denominator. Every government he is part of, corruption permeates.
When asked about corruption by the United States-based VICE News he hides behind the “Black Index.” All of a sudden, he who despises the Black race, becomes ‘Black.’
On matters of human rights Jagdeo is the worst president our nation has ever seen. The United Nations Committee on Human Rights (UNCHR) two weeks ago reminded us of this. The UNCHR highlighted the absence of an investigation into the killings of hundreds of persons during 2002- 2006 during Jagdeo’s presidency.
During that period this nation lived through a bloodbath, many afraid to walk alone or leave their homes. Most importantly is the key role the Jagdeo regime played in facilitating these heinous crimes.
It was the late Dr. Roger Luncheon who advised the nation of the operation of “phantom squads.” After the Jagdeo regime was forced to have a Commission of Inquiry into the extrajudicial killings, then Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj was bold enough to say if he had to do it all over again, he would. Gajraj was rewarded for presiding over this brutality with a posting to India as Guyana’s High Commissioner.
Two years ago, Jagdeo was caught in another major deception. Confronted by VICE News about his association with the Chinese businessman Su Zhirong, after stuttering he was forced to come clean that Su was his friend and tenant.
As VICE News’ investigative report unfolded this nation learnt, from the Chinese, that Jagdeo was the Kingpin of Corruption in the awarding of contracts and access to state resources. Guyanese are not fooled by Jagdeo’s lawsuit against Su nor the convenient disappearance of the man.
Watch discomfort and other significant expressions on the man’s face when he was exposed by VICE News
On the issue of spousal relationships Jagdeo is known to be an abuser. He treated his former spouse in a manner unbecoming of any normal man. What manner of man would lock the door on his wife, deny her basic comfort and food to eat?
Refer to former first lady Varshnie Singh tells of her story of being a victim of ‘hi-tech domestic violence’ at the hands of this brutish man:
Jagdeo’s treatment of people is brutish, despicable and inhumane. All this is evident in the way he tramples workers’ rights, broke up their pension plan, moved to scale down bauxite production to justify closing the state company and placing thousands of the breadline.
The regime’s refusal to ensure the partly state-owned Bauxite Company Guyana Incorporated (BCGI) is operational and keeping more workers on the breadline are mere instances of his cruelty and unfitness to hold public office in an ethnically diverse and fractured society such as ours.

I end by saying this to Jagdeo: I agree with him that if yours truly is placed in heaven things will go missing, because he will be among the missing.
As I continue to hold Jagdeo accountable on earth for his inhumanity towards his fellow man and his brutish and corrupt management of the state, Disciple Peter will be holding him accountable on the Day of Judgment.
Since heaven does not have a place for persons of Jagdeo’s ilk, he is the thing that will go missing.
This video below serves as a reminder for those who forgot, don’t know or could benefit from a refresher.