GUYANA | Once again, the PPP has exposed its dark side

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, January 2024 - Vice President (VP) Bharrat Jagdeo in his recent press conference has revealed his and the Irfaan Ali regime’s intolerance to freedom of information and the right to free speech which are protected in the Constitution of Guyana.
It is clear that the work of political and social activist Rickford Burke, his fearlessness in confronting the regime and his ability to mobilise Guyanese in the diaspora to gain the attention of the United States (U.S) Capitol and the Congressional Black Caucus is of deep concern to the Ali/Jagdeo regime.
Jagdeo goes as far as accusing those who exercise free speech as trying “to take away our freedoms.” These freedoms to hold the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) accountable, to free speech which the U.S defends and are hallmarks of any democratic government are according to Jagdeo considered “non-negotiable” and according to the VP, “We (the PPP) have no apology for fighting these individuals who try to mislead our nation into doing things or clouding people’s judgement so that they make wrong choices.”
Expressed differences to PPP opinions, daring to share enlightenment of government’s poor performance now represent egregious wrong and is a criminal offence.
Jagdeo’s statement on the government’s intention to go after social media influencers is an ominous threat this society must not ignore. It speaks of the potential of far worse to come and is Hitlerite in potential and nature.
Any person having a difference of opinion to the PPP regime, is at risk of being targeted for government persecution and prosecution with periods of unjust incarceration. For a regime associated with wanton criminality and a death squad Guyanese must not be naïve to believe human lives are not at risk.
The PPP has control over government and wide reach through state media and its many affiliated and financially supported media outlets. They have no restrictions, no hindrances in getting their views and news circulated to the masses in Guyana and other countries to spread their influence.
Yet this vicious regime is clearly discontented and fears the voices of dissent who are able to speak out using social media platforms.
Jagdeo is bold- faced enough to threaten Guyanese in the diaspora and local citizens who have maximised on the opportunities and freedoms of social media platforms, technology and available in countries where democracy is valued and safeguarded from dictators such as Jagdeo and the PPP.
Guyanese and all freedom loving peoples must not countenance this unacceptable and morphing dictatorial stance on matters of public freedoms, enshrined in the Constitution of Guyana and upheld by freedom loving and progressive countries and peoples around the world. Once again, the PPP has exposed its dark side.
The government, as with all governments, that ought to protect citizens’ rights is more interested in fighting citizens, painting the government as a victim of public attack, hence seeing the need to ‘defend’ itself. We must turn the words of the so-called victim against them. For clearly, they apply to us as victims of the regime’s oppression and repression.
WE the people of Guyana must find the PPP’s intolerance and efforts to deny us enshrined freedoms, rights, good governance, inclusion and social, economic and political and distributive justice as non – negotiables. Using the VP’s own words, “we must fight them!” WE must not allow the PPP to take away our freedoms!
People of Guyana, far and wide, we must not allow the PPP to mismanage and squander our national patrimony and take advantage of our divisions and superficial, skin-deep differences. We must raise our voices along and defend ourselves against the brutal and brutish regime that has a stranglehold on the state Guyana.
We must shed some enlightenment to the people of Guyana and point out Jagdeo’s dictatorial tendency and desire for dictatorship where the people are his minions. Social media activists and all media houses must embrace what Jagdeo said as a value to the importance of their work. There must be “no apology” fighting for your freedom and the freedoms of others using the media as legitimate outlet.
Jagdeo and his regime have no legitimate right to feel that they must exercise control over 100 per cent of Guyanese thought processes, views and opinions. Their attempt to so do is cause for us to recognise the obvious dangers of having the PPP in government.
This is sufficient reason for all Guyanese to “fight” against your government’ s ugly and authoritarian posturing and place you where you belong, in the Opposition and on the fringes of society like other fallen dictators of this world.
Ali is held equally accountable for all that Jagdeo is allowed to say and do. We the people must hold them accountable for their mismanagement, corruption and attempts to steal our freedom and execute injustices against us.