GUYANA | PPP Gov’t has lost Moral Authority, Right to govern Guyana says Lincoln Lewis

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, June 18, 2024 - Today we face clear and present danger as to who we are as a people and where we want to go as a nation with manifest corruption by the Jagdeo/Ali regime and the high officials in government that has put this nation, once again under negative spotlight.
This recent scandal coming out from the United States Treasury, along with efforts by the regime to deny rights and freedoms do not portend well.
There is a growing sub-culture of political gangsterism and racial tribalism wherein to achieve these ends the system of governance, social relations and development are being sacrificed with a vengeance by the oppressive behaviour of the PPP leadership and their cohorts.
Our nation is under siege. Guyana is under siege, not from external forces, but from forces within our midst who have been given the privilege of our votes and are paid by all taxpayers to govern.
The time has come for us to stop and think if we, as a nation, and a people, can survive this brutal onslaught and destruction. The answer must be a resounding no.
We can take no more of the PPP Machiavellian politics! No more of PPP brutality and ruthlessness! No more PPP marginalization and cronyism! We can take no more PPP associated with gold smuggling, oil and corruption, the resuscitated narco-economy, increasing attempts to silence dissenters and those who expose their tyranny!
People like Rickford Burke and so many others must not be battered, have their lives threatened, imprisoned and subjected to unfair laws for verbally and non-verbally rejecting the PPP.
We can take no more of their corruption, economic marginalization, discrimination and exploitation of racial tensions when we are all heading down the pathway of a PPP created hell! We can take no more of the disrespect of our teachers, nurses, public servants, bauxite workers, and ordinary folks in an oil-rich economy, built on laws.
We cannot and we must not take more of the fear that stalks this land of ours – the fear that paralyzes us and silences us - The fear of joining hands in unity across the divide to render support and solidarity to our oppressed brothers and sisters regardless of race, class, colour, creed and even political association.
Brothers and sisters, the country that gave us birth, our mother country is ailing. Guyana cries and we the children of this land must rescue our motherland from the clutches of the PPP before we lose the ability to do so. Hijacked by rouge elements in and out of government, law and order is under siege
White collar crime has intensified and is no longer being frowned upon. The Auditor General Reports continue to confirm the misuse and abuse of taxpayers’ monies. Racial and political discrimination and corruption are rampant and widespread. The Constitution is violated with impunity.
The government manipulates regions and towns, restructuring our country’s demography for its own political and self-serving agenda. They then allot or deny resources in accordance to how they feel each geographic area will give or deny them support.
The future of our youth is threatened. The unemployed are being given non-productive work for $40,000 per month when they are capable of doing better and earning more. Every year thousands of students are not completing high school and little or nothing is done to arrest this decline.
Nurses, teachers, other professionals, and skilled workers are migrating en mass. University graduates cannot find jobs commensurate with their skills and they too are forced to migrate.
Our seniors fear for their future as they express fears over the absence of social services granted to the elderly in other societies, the sustainability of NIS, increasing utilities bills and basic food prices which make an already small pension worthless.
We must unite and stop this monster… Jagdeo, Ali and their cabal believe that it is their turn now to have their share of the wealth of this nation. We must no longer fear, feel hopeless and trapped for ours is a destiny to mould and the power lies with us. This government has lost the moral authority, the right to be respected and to govern this nation.
Our country has seriously veered off the path of human decency and development and we must change course. WE MUST CHANGE COURSE NOW!
We have to get back to the path that sees nation building and personal development as a responsibility of all, in an environment that respects the rights of all, and which safeguards our land from forces, both internal and external, that seek to destroy us.