GUYANA | Unbridled Misogyny – The Toxic Rhetoric of McCoy and Persaud in Guyana’s Parliament

Georgetown, Guyana, Jauary 25, 2024 - In the hallowed chambers of the National Assembly, where the voice of democracy should resonate with dignity and respect, the recent alleged appalling conduct of ministers Kwame McCoy and Anand Persaud is a stark and disturbing reminder of the deep-rooted misogyny that still plagues our society.

The reported incident is a glaring example of the systemic barriers and abhorrent attitudes that women, particularly those from marginalized communities, face even at the highest levels of governance.
It is disgraceful that in an era where gender equality should be a norm, female parliamentarians are subjected to derogatory slurs and demeaning treatment based on their gender and ethnicity.
The silence of the speaker and the lack of immediate censure against McCoy and Persaud speaks volumes of the institutional apathy towards such sexist behavior.
The profile of a man who engages in such demeaning conduct, especially one with a history as troubling as McCoy’s – alleged violence against women and inappropriate interactions with minors – is deeply worrying.
It reflects a dangerous mindset that views women as lesser beings, unworthy of respect and dignity. This behavior, especially coming from public figures, not only undermines the fight for gender equality but also perpetuates a culture that makes all women feel unsafe and undervalued in their own country.
What is equally concerning is the message this sends to the young men and women of Guyana. When leaders engage in such vile behavior without repercussions, it normalizes disrespect and abuse, fostering an environment where misogyny thrives unchallenged.
The alleged actions of McCoy and Persaud are a betrayal of their roles as public servants and a disgrace to the principles of decency and equality that our society strives for.
The resilience and unyielding spirit of MP Juretha Fernandes in the face of such adversity are commendable. Her determination to continue representing and advocating for women, especially Indigenous women, is a beacon of hope in this dark episode.
However, it is incumbent upon all of us, as citizens of Guyana, to stand in solidarity with her and all women who face such blatant sexism and racism.
The leadership of Guyana must take immediate and unequivocal action against McCoy and Persaud. Their behavior warrants condemnation and tangible disciplinary measures.
This is a critical moment for Guyana – a moment to decisively reject the archaic, misogynistic attitudes of the past and reaffirm our commitment to a future where every woman is respected, valued, and safe.