GUYANA | Norton vows to Re-submit Election Petition 99 to the Courts

GEORGETOWN, Guyana, October 23, 2022 - Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton says despite the dismissal of Election Petition 99 by the High court, the opposition intends to refile the election petition which needs to be heard in the interest of the people of Guyana.
Appearing on the television programme Nation Watch, the Opposition Leader pointed out that the election petition was dismissed on the basis of a procedural technicality of a simple error, but noted that legal luminaries agree that substantively, the petition should be heard.
Mr. Norton pointed out that “here is yet another direction in which this petition can be addressed and we are going to finalize our position on it very shortly. We are going to take action to ensure that this is not the end of the road,” he said
“While we focus on elections, and we know that there will be early elections, we also want the truth to come out. And for the truth to come out, we have to continue to do the work to ensure this matter is aired in the courts and our people benefit from a sensible legal decision,” Norton advised.
“The people of Guyana deserve to have that petition heard. Let the facts that were garnered in the recount made public, and it be established that this is an installed illegitimate government,” the Opposition Leader concluded.
It's understood that the other appeal, number 88 is still active and before the Court of Appeal where it has been ruled that the petition can be heard. The matter is scheduled to be heard some time in November.
On Thurdsay, the CCJ by a three (3) to two (2) decision ruled that the Appeal Court had no jurisdiction to hear Election Petition No. 99 which was dismissed by the High Court . The minority ruled the matter could be heard at the Full Court.
Petition 99 contained significant evidence of voter fraud in the March 2020 General and Regional Elections.
The High Court dismissed the petition on the grounds of late service or improper service on former President David Granger. Although the date was corrected, the Chief Justice held that the original incorrect date was the actual date of service.”
Last December the Court of Appeal by majority decision ruled it had jurisdiction to hear an appeal of the High Court’s decision. The Court of Appeal’s decision was appealed to the CCJ by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP administration.
The matter was referred to the court by the Coalition, as the National Recount revealed grave irregularities and violations of the Representation of the People Act, which was acknowledged by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the PPP.
However, GECOM argued that it did not have the power to make any determination on the irregularities as this could only be effected by the court through an election petition. As a consequence, the Opposition filed two Election Petitions numbers 88 and 99 which have been languishing at various stages in the court.