JAMAICA | Prime Minister Holness and Opposition Leader Mark Golding Expresses Condolences on the Passing of Veteran Broadcaster and Radio Personality, Francois St. Juste

Kingston, Jamaica. August 29, 2022. Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Opposition Leader Mark Golding have expressed shock and a deep sense of sadness at the passing of veteran broadcaster & radio personality, Francois St. Juste.
Francois died this morning (August 29) at the University hospital after a brief illness. Up to the time of his death, he worked at Radio Jamaica as co-host with Paula-Anne Porter-Jones on RJR’s morning programme 'Sunny Side Up'.
Prime Minister Holness said: “Many Jamaicans, including myself, are deeply saddened following the news of Francois’s passing. Hundreds of thousands of Jamaicans including myself have grown up to his voice on Jamaica's airwaves. He brightened every space he occupied. He was always professional and had a passion for what he did which made it much more than a job for him. His unmistakable voice and morning energy on “Sunny Side Up," a show he cohosted lifted many spirits.”
Opposition Leader Mark Golding said "Francois’ passing has put the entire Jamaica in mourning. I always enjoyed listening to him on Fame FM and later, Radio Jamaica, with the humour and joy he brought to the airwaves. For over two decades in broadcasting, Francois reflected the best of the Jamaican personality. He made an indelible mark on our nation’s media, and we give thanks for his life,”
Mr. Golding said The People's National Party is deeply saddened by his passing.Jamaica will miss his warm smile and infectious personality as an entire generation grew up hearing his voice on the airwaves.
Prime Minister Holness said “Francois will be missed not only from the airwaves but also from the many lives he touched and impacted. Jamaica has lost another giant in media and the wider society. He was the consummate communicator, gone but not forgotten. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” concluded Prime Minister Holness.
Both Party leaders have extended condolences to his family, friends and loved ones as they grieve.
Francois St Juste had more than 20 years of experience working on morning radio. He was station manager and a popular host on the sister station, Fame 95FM.