JAMAICA | Opposition Leader Mark Golding wants Govt to pursue Republican Status for Jamaica

KINGSTON, October 28, 2021 - Opposition Leader Mark Golding has lamented the length of time it is taking to remove the Queen as its Head of State and wants Jamaica to follow the lead by the government of Barbados in moving towards a republican status.
Last week, Legislators in Barbados elected 72-year-old Governor General, Dame Sandra Mason, as its first President as the island moves to end its political relationship with Britain on November 30, its independence day.
Speaking in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Mr. Golding noted that both major political parties in Jamaica agreed "over a decade ago" that the country should establish a non-executive Head of State in replacement of the British Monarch.
“The establishment of a non-executive president as our head of state in replacement of the English Monarch was agreed by both major political parties over a decade ago. Surely, we can work together to take the required constitutional steps to make this happen in the coming year. pic.twitter.com/XWsAy4zPlf
— Mark J. Golding (@MarkJGolding) October 29, 2021
He argued that Jamaica must now "work together to take the required constitutional steps to make this happen in the year coming".
Golding pointed out that Jamaica will celebrate 60 years of independence from British rule next year, and told the prime minister that the time had come to move forward with the project. "Prime Minister, let us move forward with a common fixity of purpose. Time come!" Golding urged.